Can't install vps update

fresh msdn xp sp3 setup


the error happens since the beginning of the month.
copying files from a to b cant be that hard. :slight_smile:

  • Which avast!..?? (Free/Pro/IS)
  • Which version…??
  • Other security related software installed…??
  • Which AV did you use before avast!..??

on my fresh windows test installation no other stuff was installed.

?? ???

Same problem here: Manual update to that off-line pc has worked so far well, but not since october!
The Avast version used here is the latest possible, Free 7.0.1466. OS Windows Vista 64 bit, no other AV or FW products used.

What’s wrong with the update file ???


btw. watch my ati xp driver videos and laugh. :smiley:

What does this have to do with your issue? All I saw is that you installed just the file shield. ???
I can’t see any good coming from watching any youtube videos concerning security software. ???

If you have an issue please let’s get it resolved.
Have you tried a “repair”? ???

the video was made with a fresh xp setup in a virtual machine.
i also see that the forum has many other threads regarding to this issue.

so lets hope a fix comes soon :slight_smile:

Simply do a repair as already suggest. Reboot and the problem is gone.
(Using auto update instead of downloading and installing the VPS update manually would have prevented the problem in the first place.)

Simply do a repair as already suggest. Reboot and the problem is gone.
no, doesnt work
(Using auto update instead of downloading and installing the VPS update manually would have prevented the problem in the first place.)
on my main machine nothing is allowed to access the internet. on todays computers every app, exe, msi, etc phones home and what data does it send ? all apps which needs internet run in a vm. due to this i need to do the manual update to update avast on my main machine.

proof video:

Please don’t give any advice that you havent tested youself.
As monocolum has proved, there’s definately something wrong with those separate av update files since 2.10.2012.
The file I downloaded 1.10.1012 was installed nice to my off line pc with latest Free Avast! version.

Googling the error message revealed that similar problems has occured earlier too (years ago!) but so far I haven’t found solution…

Please answer the questions from Reply #1.

“Please answer the questions from Reply #1.”

  • Which avast!..?? (Free/Pro/IS)
    Same as monocolum has shown in the first message of this thread: FREE 7.0.1466

  • Which version…??
    Same as monocolum has shown in the picture inside the first message of this thread: FREE 7.0.1466

  • Other security related software installed…??

  • Which AV did you use before avast!..??

…why it’s so difficult … Now its day #8 after problem started and no help from you received yet >:(

OK. Problem seems to been solved: VPS update 121008-0 can be installed to off-line computers without error messages. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback.

jippie :slight_smile:

thx a lot.