Can't load any page from homepage

After installing paid version of Avast, no search pages will load! On my Vista system (Firefox browser)! I’m accessing forum from from phone as I’m unable to from PC. I’ve never experienced any problem similar to this in my 40 years of PC ownership.

I’ve searched forum and similar topic requires visiting a site and I can’t get there.

Would reformatting hard drive and loading external backup files be the “cleanest” way to go?

Thank you!

What firewall are you using ?

Is it allowing Avast through

Hi thank you. Windows

Sorry, I have a “notify if blocking a program” on, but I uninstalled Avast to see if I could load Web pages. Still can’t load anything.

Firefox is not blocked. Avg is listed and “checked”, but I uninstalled Avg previously.

Hi bford7 :slight_smile:

It seems that AVG was not removed completely, and that can cause problems.
Use AVG Remover to remove all remenants. You can download it from here

Greetz, Red.

Thank you, but I’m not able to load anything now!

Ok, that is a problem …

Do you have an USB stick, and a system available you can download from ( household, neighbors, family, friends ) ?
Download “Farbar Recovery Scan Tool” from this topic and use the USB stick to copy it to your pc.
Follow the directions from that topic, and attach both FRST.tx and Additions.txt logs in your next reply.

Greetz, Red.