I’m testing the localization, but it’s not working, please help me to solve it.
I sent the LOCATE 5 SMS to my number, the phone recieved the SMS, enabled the GPS immediately (can see it in the power control widget), but won’t turn it on (the blinking GPS icon doesn’t show up in the notification bar, like it used to when I use Google Maps for instance), in a few seconds I get the confirmation SMS, and a few minutes later the one, which says timeout error (its in an other language, but I assume it means this), localization was not possible via GPS. And I keep recieving the same SMSs in every few minutes, until I send the stop command. I get a link with coordinates, but they only based on WiFi or Cell info, and always 1-2 kms wrong.
Why can’t avast handle my GPS properly?
It just works fine with Google Maps or Navigation, can locate me in seconds, or in a minute at most.
I have the same question. I send LOCATE. WiFi start, but GPS not. I receive confirmation SMS, after minutes I receive coordinat. But they are not prеcise, when GSM have a clear view to sky.
on non-rooted phones the auto-enabling only works from Android 1.6 up to Android 2.2. For Android 2.3 and later it’s not possible to auto-enable GPS and therefor it is not possible to use the SMS command to obtain GPS coordinates.
However - auto-enable GPS works on all rooted phones.
it’s all described in our manual:
give it a try - it’s short and easy to understand.
But my GPS is checked in settings on the phone
About the icon: Anti-Theft TURNS OFF the icon in order not to alert the thief.
Which accuracy value do you get?