Cant Log In With GUI But WebPortal Does Fine?

Is there a problem here?

I can log into the web portal just fine but when I try the “Conenct” tool via the Avast7 GUI; I get one of two messages.

Either the ‘Service is temporarily unvailable’, or the second more than the first, "The email or password you’ve entered is incorrect’. Please view the screenshot to see Im logged into the web portal but cant log in via “Connect” in the Avast7 GUI.

Im running a clean install and have re-=entered my information more than once to verify Im not just hitting the wrong keys.

*** also had quite the time getting this to post.


I just found out what is wrong… and this is something that should be fixed in the GUI. It seems that I cant use special characters (in the GUI but it works just fine in the web portal) to create a secure password. Iv changed the pssword thru the web portal to one without special characters and viola!!!

I kinda think a security suite should allow for special characters IMHO. After all, thats part of being able to enhance the security of a password.

Anyone who can forward this to support, Id appreciate it.

Modified to correct wordage.

I found that out as well, so for a trade off using a 48 char long password, generated with LastPass, that is only myself thought I would say something :wink:

Appreciate the link but I like to formulate my own password(s).

I think a Security Solution provider should allow for complex, secure password measures though. Thats why Id like someone to forward this to Avast Support if they can get a faster response than I have had luck with on their official support site.