I’m new here, I like Avast, but:
I can only log onto the internet when Avast is diabled. How can I easily fix this problem? There must be a simple way.
Thank you for your help.
I’m new here, I like Avast, but:
I can only log onto the internet when Avast is diabled. How can I easily fix this problem? There must be a simple way.
Thank you for your help.
Check your firewall settings and make sure Avast has access “ashWebSv.exe”
I should have mentioned I don’t really know much about this kind of thing.
Can I please get step by step instructions?
I’m really sorry.
Thanks again
You did not mention which firewall you are using. Which one?
Hi :
To provide step by step Instructions, we need some info about your
computer : the first thing we need to know is the SPECIFIC Name of your
Operating System, which is usually either Windows XP with a “Service Pack
#1 or #2” or a one of the "Vista"s !? What is the Name of the “firewall”
on your computer, if you have one ?
Is this a new computer ? If yes, it means it probably came with an
antiVIRUS program, like Norton or McAfee !?
ActiveArmour Firewall. I think it’s just your basic firewall.
Windows XP Home Edition with a trial version of Microsoft Office. I’m not sure what a service pack is.
This is a pretty old computer. Avast is the only antivirus program on here because I got the hard drive wiped about a month ago.
The internet problem started last night when Avast gave me a notice about a possible security alert and did I want to block it. I said yes, and the internet hasn’t worked since. I’m typing to you now with the program turned off.
Hope this helps you guys.
Thanks again.
defenderman I would bet the problem is with ActiveArmour Firewall not allowing Avast access.
Is ActiveArmour Firewall part of Nvidia?
Yes it is.
But everything was working just fine until last night, and I’ve had Avast for about a month now.
Activearmour the NVidia4 hardware firewall…that’s what it is peter-it’s a hardware firewall not a software firewall
me and defenderman must of hit the post button at the same time
There has been a recent program update and that changes certain avast processes, this would normally cause a firewall to ask permission for the changed processes that are trying to connect to the internet.
Well, I’ll keep trying different things here I suppose. Thanks for the help.
You need to get into the ActiveArmour settings and find what ever passes for program control (sorry I have zero knowledge about ActiveArmour), I would have though it had an icon on the system tray to access controls.
You can terminate the Web Shield as a temporary measure untill this is resolved, you don’t need to completely disable avast.
Perhaps a look through the NVidia4 ActiveArmour forum may shed some light on this issue.