Can't logon how do I get computer to do a boot time scan

I am a paid subscriber and use AVAST religiously. Quick scan every night, full scan and boot time scan once a week. So I am really baffled as to how I am stuck with the LOGON LOGOFF loop on my Windows XP machine. I understand this has something to do with a WSAinstaller file having overwritten my userinit.exe file. So I have to do some file copying and also get into the registry. But I can’t logon.

I was hoping there was someway to run the BOOT Time scan even though I can’t get logged into windows. Is there a way I can make an AVAST CD that will run a boot time scan?

I would rather run AVAST first, then go in and monkey with the files I have to using my Windows Recovery disk.

Thank you,

Doc from Las Vegas

I am a paid subscriber and use AVAST religiously. Quick scan every night, full scan and boot time scan once a week.
why all this scanning? you have a antivirus program with realtime protection, meaning it works silently in the background, scanning every file that moves in the computer when it is on. and bootscan is not meant to be used as a regular scanner, it is a special tool to be used if/when avast detect something and have problems removing it, or if the program itselfe tell you to run it a quick scan a week is plenty

Are you able to login in safe mode ?

No you can’t get in with safe mode either. Does the same thing.

I have read all of the advice about this being from blaze, and to use your recovery disc, expand your userinit.exe file, and copy it, and then copy it over the wsaupdater.exe file. Nothing works. Funny too because you can tell it is a script. The computer sits there trying to populate explorer and then it goes out to the welcome screen then tries to logon then logsoff again, just a continuous loop.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


What operating system is this this and is it 32 or 64bit