Can't open avast after Kubuntu upgrade from 8.04.1 to 8.10

I’ve upgraded Kubuntu (and consequently, KDE) and now avast does not open.
I’ve tryed to manually delete that file, I’ve tryed to uninstall and install again.
The interface does not open.
What can I do for repairing the installation?

Anybody? ???

Try the Ubuntu/Kubuntu forums.

I’ve tried once… they said the opposite: look at avast forums… ::slight_smile:

The only thing I could suggest, is what you’re already doing… just wait it out.

8.10 just went Beta. Maybe something will update at the Ubuntu end, that will pick it up later. If it was working on a Hardy final, there’s shouldn’t be any reason to believe that it won’t work on an Intrepid final. It could be something as simple as an updated library that you need.


A silly example, but something as simple as the trash applet would crash, with the same type of warning you posted above, when ever you tried to empty the trash.

This was pretty much all of the time during Alpha 6. But, all of a sudden, it works again. There are other examples I could give you, but you get my point.

Different developers are working on different parts of the project. Hopefully, it’ll all fall into place for you with the Final. Fortunately, there’s not long to wait.

BTW, overall, the Beta is rock solid, and very quick in my opinion. Hopefully, everything else is working well for you…


updating Ubuntu is, to be honest, always a bit risky thing. Nobody knows which old-good-stable feature will be suddenly broken there :(. Latest Ubuntu which was tested with Avast was 8.04, and there was (quite surprisingly, as the 8.04 was a quite buggy release) no problem (at least with Avast).

So, i’ll have a look at it this evening - but, a guess from scratch - it appears to be flaw at Ubuntu’s side… sigh.


As I said above, 8.10 is just out of Alpha, and into Beta. I would doubt very much that it’s a “flaw”. You just need to give time for the balance of the release to be finished. It’s not being developed by a handful of people sitting in an office. The community is strung out world wide.

As I also said, if it worked in Hardy, which apparently it did, more than likely it’ll work in the final Intrepid.

The best thing for Tech to do, is just wait it out. If it doesn’t shake itself out by the Final, then he can panic. But not now.

Still pending of solution…
I’ve uninstalled avast for workstation packet, install the debian package again, the same error: "can’t write buffer ‘/home/tech/.avast/log/avastgui.log’ to disk.
I’m using a wubi installation of Kubuntu 8.10 fully updated.

Have you tried using avast in COMMANDLINE mode ?

It should work , even with a beta kubuntu :wink:

ah, damn kubuntu - try to run in under strace this way:
strace -i -s 1024 -f Original_Commandline_Contents_Verbatim >log.txt 2>&1

and send the log.txt to me ( or paste it here (~ the relevant parts only, it tends to be quite extensive ;).


Where is the file saved? From which folder should I run it? With sudo or not?
When I found it I’ve got this:

strace: Original_Commandline_Contents_Verbatim: command not found

Sorry, not a Linux litterate…

Discovered something…

strace -i -s 1024 -f avastgui >log.txt 2>&1

Started avast, ask for my registration key and seems to be working.

Zilog, does this description help to discover what happened?

But it does not correct the problem… when you try to load avastgui again, nothing happens…
You need to run strace -i -s 1024 -f avastgui >log.txt 2>&1 all the time…

hallo tech,
starce is an universal way how to trace any application at the kernel-userspace boundary.
any application, started using blablabla, could be straced as strace blablabla, that’s the syntax of strace utility.

but, when it works under strace , but doesn’t work outside, it’s the worst scenario. But, try to send your logfile to me (, i’ll have look at it…


Where is it located?
On the logs folder? avastgui.log?
I’ll send it to you.

Out of curiosity, did you ever get an answer on this, and is avast! working for you now in Kubuntu?

No, I did not receive an answer… right now, my notebook failed and needs technical assistance… I’m not in a hurry anymore…

yes, i’ll analyse it in days or two - i was solving ABI compatibility problems on x86 MacOS (latest compiler started to optimise out our ABI fixes for higher optimisation levels, sigh) past days…


Thanks zilog… I had a deep trouble with my notebook startup, so no worry, I think I won`t work with wubi (Kubuntu) so soon.

I’m sorry to hear that. Good luck with the notebook…