I just got a new NB with Vista, IE7. Two days ago, all in a sudden, I could not open google and gmail web pages. To be more specfic, all sites relate to google. com can’t open. I don’t have problem to browse other web sites, except google, so I can’t figure out why. :-\
I took the advice, following the instructure below:
Let’s try something. Right click the hosts file and select rename, type in the new name hosts.old. Now open a new notepad, set the box at top to save in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC
in the file name box, type (including the " " marks) “hosts”
( the quote marks will prevent notepad from adding the .txt extention )
copy and paste this line into the notepad localhost
click save.
Now, the problem is I can’t save the file name hosts with “”. the windows won’t allow me to save marks :-
So, anyone can please help me?
Or you may have solutions for opening up google and gmail pages.
With thanks,