Can't play mp3 samples on Amazon

I just switched from the free to paid version of Avast and am encountering problems when browsing. This is one of them. I tried switching Avast off and reloading Firefox but the problem persists. I have never had this problem before. Thanks.

Does refreshing the page then enable mp3 samples to play? if the refresh works then the likely problem is the Browser protection ( AOS ) which can be disabled via right clicking your browsers toolbar.

Refreshing does not help. Oddly, after refreshing and clicking the play option I have twice had the button change to pause, but the song does not play.

When I right click I have options for various menus but I do not see anything about browser protection.

Thanks for your reply.

Right clicking the top toolbar in the browser should show Avast Online Security which you untick to disable, the feature can also be uninstalled via the change function when you click to uninstall avast in Programs and Features.