Can't re-register Avast free v 6.o.1367

My free license expires on 1st Feb 2012.

So I open the Avast window that tells me to register. I click on the Register now window and another window opens that tells me that it is “Gathering information please wait”.
So I wait, then the window closes, followed by - - - nothing

Please help as my sig says it all.

have you started to get the new reg pop up ?..if not i dont think it works before you have 14days left

Well the Registration interface doesn’t change until the expiry is close, so when it changes it should allow for registration. Though I don’t know if that also coincides with the pop-up notifications also being displayed.

I have seen some that it would appear the ability to re-register happens sooner than 14 days.

So it may just be that the server is busy. You can however, register manually using the link ady4um gave.

My registration was to expire on 01/14/2012. I renewed my registration via the popup on 12/22/2011, after getting the popup notices for over a week. This may only be this early in the free version.

The registration is good until 12/21/2012 (a year), but the popups start early. Two weeks should be sufficient for most users to get the hint.

The “you should renew your registration” (or equivalent) are starting 30 days before the end of the previous validity. I agree that 30 days seems “too early”, but there is something more important than that.

A user register for a year, not 11 months. There should be a way to “temporarily pause” this type of notifications. If I start to receive them today, I should be able to, either:

A) renew immediately (already available); or,
B) show the notification next time (already available if nothing is done); or,
C) skip the next notifications for “X” days, so for “X” days avast should not keep bothering me with the same remainder; or
D) the next notification should appear only the day before the expiration day (or even the same day).

The user would be notified, and not be bothered with the same notification every 4 hours (currently, 30 x 6 x 4 = 720 remainders), unless he wants to be reminded every 4 hours.

The “X” days could be, for example:
_ 14 days when “30 to 23” days for expiration arrives;
_ 7 days when “22 to 10” days for expiration arrives;
_ once a day when less than 10 days;
_ every update attempt for the last day;
_ the user should choose either to keep receiving the remainders after the registration is expired or not at all.

This is just an example, and the implementation could be different in several aspects.

All this is specially important to paying users (but could include avast free anyway), that keep complaining after 11 months.

This could be implemented for Avast 7.

It seems a bit silly for the pop-up to tell me to “re-register now” when it won’t let me. The advice to re-register appeared when there were 28 days left.

I don’t think that it was a server busy issue as I had tried many times at different times of the day and on many days.

I have been to the licence centre and the only link that seemed to me to be useful was the “Resend licence key” or words to that effect. I received a licence key, then found out that there was no where to put it. (Don’t be rude now LOL)

I’ll wait for the 14 day notice (there are 23 days left as of today) then try again to see if that works.

Thanks to all for the input.

Will feed back later.

I have purchased Avast Pro 4 last year I tried to update to 6 but was unable to. Do I have to repurchase 6 to be able to update to the latest version of Avast. Regards Troutbeck

This really should be in its own topic as it is unrelated. But you have to convert the avast 4.8 pro license as it isn’t compatible. It shouldn’t need to be purchased again, but I find it strange you were able to buy avast 4.8 pro last year as last year avast 5 and probably avast 6 pro version would have been the current one.

  • avast! 5/6 Pro license convert from 4.8 Pro license. Try now, fill in the form giving your email and 4.8 Pro License key and they will send the new license file to you (presumably it will check you have a legit 4.8 Pro license first).

If that doesn’t resolve it, or you have any questions then please start your own topic so as not to hijack this one.

Just wondering my avast! is still showing 6.0.1364 as latest. Is there any problem with my avast!..?

Please, upload (attach) the avast log:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log

If the file is too big for the forum, post the last 400-500 lines of it.


Look at avast main GUI → maintenance → registration (see attachment).

You may need to scroll down the tab in avast so to be able to see the offline registration section

As I do have internet access, I don’t see the point of doing the offline thing.
Oddly enough the pop up about renewal didn’t appear today when I fired up the beast, although the info is still in the maintenance area.

During my previous attempts to re-register, I requested a “Re send licence key” and then received one. Can I use that one now in the offline section, instead of waiting for the 14 days access to re-register?

Here is the log file.



@ Ashish Singh,
You are infringing on someone else’s Thread.

Please start your own Topic and leave this one for simpleton
who started this Thread. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I just answered what has been asked by tech. Earlier I just expressed my astonishment that by having always connected to internet my avast is not up to date.

You mentioned you requested and received a new code. I just tried to help you find the correct place to add that code in your avast.

During my previous attempts to re-register, I requested a "Re send licence key" and then received one. Can I use that one [b]now [/b] in the offline section, instead of waiting for the 14 days access to re-register?

If the registration tab in avast is still showing you the same old date for the next expiration, and the offline section of the tab (the same of the picture I attached) is still there, then yes, you should be able to use that code you received. Add the code and save. If you still have some problem with the registration after that, reboot and retest and then post feedback here so we know the results.

Hi Ady4um,

Put in the key, clicked ok, pop up thanked me for registering.
No change in expiry so rebooted.
Still no change in expiry :frowning: :cry:

Given what you said:

I’m not surprised the expiry hasn’t changed as the resend license would be the old one with the old expiry date.

So you need to complete the off-line registration as mentioned (not the resend license) and that will email you a new registration number which you can enter.

author=DavidR link=topic=91591.msg728754#msg728754 date=1326247245] Given what you said: I'm not surprised the expiry hasn't changed as the resend license would be the old one with the old expiry date.

Well there you go. I said in an earlier post that my sig says it all LOL.

Purely for my own “education”, I’ll wait for the 14 days, to see if things sort themselves out. If not, then I will do the offline route.

Thanks for your patience with a non-technical old fart. ;D