today I installed “Theft Aware” the first time on my cellphone. Everything worked fine, until I made an update of the Cyanogenmod 7 Kang (nightly build) by ClockworkManager.
There is no need to do an cache, dalvik or full wipe. You have to install the new Kang and that’s it.
Now I’m wondering why I can’t open the “Theft Aware” UI anymore, because I selected the install option “firmware proof” (dunno exactly what it’s name is), but I understood that “Theft Aware” will work after a firmware update?! I tried to reach the UI by dialing the PIN right on my cellphone and from a “friends” phone. Nothing works. Also I can’t see “Theft Aware” in the device admin page.
What do I have to do, to be able to start the “Theft Aware” UI again?
thanks for your quick answer. After reinstalling Theft Aware runs again, some settings were still there (f.e. friends list, user name). But I have to set the PIN again.
What does the setting “Werkseinstellungen überleben” (survive factory settings?!) mean? Is it possible to save the settings there and recover them after flashing?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad to found this nice program. But it would be great if the program survives a new flashing.
Factory reset and flashing are not the same. Factory reset returns the phone to the state it was in when you took it out of the box. The OS is unaffected, but all your user stuff gets removed (everything in /data), so the phone is like new. Flashing replaces the firmware, which is basically everything in /system.
Making your settings “factory reset proof” means storing those settings in a place where a factory reset won’t affect them, probably in /system. But nothing in /system will survive flashing new firmware. Whatever did survive was not in /system. It was probably in /data, which is where user data and user apps are stored.
I don’t want the complete “Avast! Free Mobile Security” kit, I only need the tool “Theft Aware”. Because I’m flashing a new Cyanogenmod nightly from the KANG once a day (sometimes only once a week), i have no pleasure to make a full installation of “Avast! Free Mobile Security”, then re-install and re-set “Theft Aware” and remove the “Avast! Free Mobile Security” at the end.
Maybe a solution could be NOT to install “Theft Aware” directly to the system, but choose the other option to create an and install that zip after a new flashing. The definitely will survive a firmware flashing. Maybe it could be possible only to install the by clockworkmod after a new firmware flashing. So there would be no need to de-/install everytime “Avast! Free Mobile Security” from the android market.
hi this will be fixed in the next official update. status 0 means incompatible update binary and in the next update you’ll be able to select between 2 update binaries.
I’m using the CM9 nightly buil and titanium backup, every time I madea flash of new version of CM9, I lost the anti theft but I can recover it from titanium. The mater is I can´t recover my configuration and I had to re-configure everything all times.
I saw that there is an option to save data under cmw recovery, but I didn’t realize what is exactly means.
Anyone can tell me some place to get help about it?