Select the option to get a new registration key, e.g. I’m a registered user and need a new registration key or registration key has expired, or words to that effect.
Is the method of retrieval the same for me? I installed Windows7 on my notebook and have lost the Avast activation code. I have tried twice to retrieve the code using the webform as described , although I am assured that I will recieve a reply, I have not.
My last posts were for a specific problem, that of xtr3m3 getting an error whilst registering, see below.
Sorry, due to an error, you request was not completed. The problem is on ALWIL Software servers. Please try again later.
Now if you aren’t getting that error, it may not resolve why you don’t receive the email with the registration key.
Failure to receive the registration email is commonly down to the ISP or User having an anti-spam blocking the email. So does your ISP or you use an anti-spam tool ?
Ensure than any anti-spam allows register @ (without the spaces) so that the email with your registration key gets through.
You could also try using a different email address (from a different domain name) to try and bypass the block, something like a free Yahoo account as this in the past has helped get the email through.