can't reinstall/uninstall/repair avast 4.8.. HELLLPPP!!!!

hi guys good day…

i really have a big problem about avast… i’m having my hair pulled out already because of frustration… pls help me…

last sept. 29, i have reformatted my pc because i’ve got an infection of win/sality… the reformatting process was a-ok… my habit was that after a clean install of my windows xp sp2, i always immediately install my antivirus, which is avast home/free edition… even before reformatting my pc i’m already using avast for my antivirus protection, and i’ve never encountered this situation before, since i’ve been using avast for a year now…

so after installation process of my avast, naturally i had my pc restarted… after rebooting my pc, the security center popped out a message in my system tray notifying me that antivirus software is still not installed and detected. that’s when i noticed that something was funny with my avast since my avast icon is not the usual blue circle with an ‘a’ with it… instead it had an icon of a normal executable file… and my system tray’s not showing that same icon, which usually it must, so i then concluded that avast isn’t really working at all… i tried double-clicking the desktop icon of avast but then it just showed me the following message:

Internal error has occurred in avast! program. It is probably caused by a program bug or invalid entry data.

the next step i took was to redownload the avast free edition installer, and try reinstalling it… after downloading it i tried reinstalling it… here’s the spooky part… every time i try double-clicking the installer, my pc just restarts on its own…just that, black out, restart… after rebooting, my pc shows a message this error…

The system has just recovered from a serious error.

and shows the send/don’t send error report button… i tried it for about 5 times, and the same thing just happens…

my next recourse was to uninstall it using add/remove programs… but everytime i try to click the change/remove button of avast, the same thing happens-- restarting and having recovered from a serious error… what the heck’s happening??? ???

next step i tried was trying to boot my pc in safe mode using f8… but then even before my pc starts in that mode, my pc just restarts all over again… not letting it to even open windows at all…

i even tried deleting the alwil folder (yeah i know its not a good practice but i’m already desperate!!!) but i can’t delete it saying that:

[b]Cannot delete Aamv4h.dll:Access is denied.

Make sure that the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not in use.[/b]

i tried deleting the contents one by one but still not working… same error happens…

checked task manager if the processes are used, but they’re not…

changed the folder attribute and removed read-only… but to no avail…

read about deleting registry entries of avast to be not working also, so i didn’t bother trying…

PLEASE HELP ME ANYONE??? i don’t wanna do the reformatting process all over again!! ::hair-pulling::

thanks and god bless…

EDIT:: another funny thing about this is that the scan item everytime i right-click any file or folder exists…

Try this.
Download the Avast uninstall utlity, and save it to the desktop.
Download the full installer file from here (2nd one down below the words “free registration”, ~37Mb) and save it.
Disconnect from the web.
Run the uninstall utility. Reboot. Install from the installer file, follow the usual setup prompts, reconnect in due course and update.
If that doesn’t work…well, lets deal with it then.

You should ideally download the SP3 full install file for offline installation. Makes subsequent updates less time consuming. Get it here. (It’s big.)

hello sir/mam, i would like to thank you for your immediate response…

but i have a problem with the uninstaller… it wouldn’t let me proceed with the uninstallation process because it said that self-protection mode is on… i can’t turn it off because simply i can’t open my avast… and as i have said i can’t enter safe mode…

how will i resolve this issue? thanks…

The problem might be your RAM, try Memtest

Try malware bytes (MBAM) If still dosent work you may have a boot sector virus on your hard drive. A bit drastic though delete partition and re format again and try again?

There is a workaround.
Go to this file: “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini” and open it in notepad. You can use the “edit>find” function in notepad to locate this:[SelfDefense]
which is near the bottom of the file. Change the value from “1” to zero.
Close notepad, “OK” to save changes.
An Avast warning window will appear. Click “yes”. (And then same again:click “yes”)
Now you should be able to uninstall the program normally.Reboot into safe,run the uninstall utility, reboot, then re-install from scratch using the full installer file already linked above.
Go through the install procedure, (allow at least an hour for the boot scan if you elect to do that- recommended if malware considered likely - then enter the license key.
All should be happy. Fingers crossed.

erm… where can i get that mbam? any other suggestions other that reformatting?? ???

waaahhh… my avats4.ini doesnt contain that entry… it just contains this… i tried searching for it but it contains just this settings…

GradientFont=Times New Roman

… ~so on and so forth

i attached here my avast4.ini if you want to take a closer look… i saved it in a .txt file…


er i don’t think it’s my RAM, though i only have a 256mb RAM, avast works just perfectly fine even before… it just started to act funny since i reformatted my pc…

I’m at a loss to know what is at play.
The ini file is quite seriously incomplete.
There could be memory (or other) problems with your computer. Based on your reported RAM, I’d guess your computer is fairly old. As L’Arc mentioned, there could be a RAM issue, and it certainly would be a good idea to test it.
It would also be a good idea to scan the disk. (Go to My Computer in the start menu, right click the volume the OS is on, select properties, then Tools, then “check this volume for errors.”

I’m going to look at editing your ini file for you, I have no idea if it will work, it will take me a day to find time to do it.
In the meantime, can you try to change a value - any value- in the file (Remember which one, so you can undo it later) and save it, see if you are able to do that.
If you can’t, there is no point in my comming up with a modified one for you, which might not even work anyway. (It’s guesswork troubleshooting, and I’ve not tried it before, but if you’re willing to be a test case, it has a small chance of working - provided the hardware is OK.)

Let me know.

I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  3. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.

Tech, the OP can’t get into safe, and the utility won’t run.
While you’re here, do you think my idea of sending him an edited .ini has merit? I was intending to copy the missing lines in his from my .ini, set self defense to “off”, via the .ini, and attach them to a post (minus email address.)
Would it work? Maybe?

waaahh… tarq thanks for your unending generosity of trying to help me… but then again… unfortunately because my patience ran out already so i reformatted my pc all over again… ???
heck i can’t get in safe mode… i even tried using msconfig and used diagnostic startup, but still the uninstallation utility still detects that my system’s in safe mode protection… and more funny things started happening in my pc like some programs getting unresponsive… well yeah my pc is something over 6 yrs. already (yeah i know i should put this in some junk shop already), but i just don’t get it why this just happened just now, when avast was just working perfectly fine before…

now i’m trying to download again the setup file of avast… since my installer before won’t work again now… in case that i encounter this problem again i’ve prepared a system restore point now… won’t fall for that trick all over again…

anyways… if i encounter that dreaded error again, please help me… thank you so much guys!! especially tarq!!

p.s. im a SHE… ;D

Are you certain that your hard drive is in good order? after formatting? with xp or vista, that you can access the operating system without the antivirus installed. If it still does not work you may have a bad sectors or boot sector virus only by deleting partition and recreating new partition with the XP CD ROM.
Create partition using the FAT 32 File system to start with try that?

Do Full format not quick format in XP Instal facility FAT 32 Max partition size 32000mb depending how big your hard drive is.

FAT32 versus NTFS: What Should You Choose