Can't remove/uninstall avast antivirus

When I try to remove avast it says:
A setiface error has occurred: 2
Try to reinstall or contact support please.

I go through Control Panel>Add/Remove programs and it always has the same message.

I’ve also tried to use the avast uninstall utility download from their website and when I run the program it says the following:

The avast! self protection module is enabled. For this reason, the operation cannot be completed.
To complete the operation, either run this program from Windows Safe Mode, or disable the avast! self protection (via Settings > Troubleshooting page).
then I go to open the program it says Unknown error Program cannot load iNews
then I go to seetings-troubleshooting-disable avast self defense module-ok nothing happens =(
I try to install-uninstall but when files are start downloading it just dissapear


I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation. Maybe you should boot in Safe Mode.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the latest avast! version.
  6. Boot.
  7. Check and post the results.

Which other antivirus do you have in your system? Did you have in the past?

I cant uninstall Avast from the control panel, and i tried to install the uninstall utility and got an error message about the avast self protection mode is enabled for this reason the operation cannot be, also when i try to open avast is says The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error. I’m lost…Help

do you still have the avast-ball in the system tray (right lower corner of the desktop)?

if so try to rightclick it → settings → troubleshooting page → uncheck “…disable self-defense…” and try to uninstall again

If nothing helps, start on step 3.

You need to run the uninstall utility from safe mode or the self-defence module will block the uninstall as the error states. Booting into safe mode

The AAVM/RPC error you mention is commonly associated with having another AV or remnants still installed on your system.
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

I have a new laptop with ms vista and it came with Norton and I have always liked avast so I went through control panel and removed all Norton stuff, so I thought anyway then downloaded Avast 4.8 Home Edition it has been working, I went and disabled my self defense module and tried to uninstall but it gave me another error saying Sefiface error try and uninstall or tech suppport. I dont know how to do the safe mode stuff get kinda nervous i’m gonna mess something else up.

Norton can be a real pig to remove completely, see below.

As I said it is best to run the uninstall utility from safe mode (the link I gave shows how to get into safe mode) as avast doesn’t run so the self defence module wouldn’t be running.

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

my system is unable to boot to Safe Mode . I have done all i could to boot to safe mode with the instructions given
is there any other way to remove Avast without the safe mode option?

very urgent please

Can’t you uninstall through Control Panel?
Can’t you run the uninstaller within Windows?
Did you install another antivirus meanwhile (without avast removed)? Is there any other antivirus in your computer?

I have done those even before trying the Safe Mode option.But all to no avail.The issue is that i installed avast on my machine which already has eScan antivirus.the escan is expired and i have removed it but the avast wouldn’t work. i even tried to reinstall but always bring the ‘blue screen of death’.I also tried to remove the registry entries, all to no avail.

please help

Does eScan use a specialized tool to be removed?
Maybe the problem is not on the registry, but in low level drivers.

avast can’t be corrected installed/uninstalled due to this conflict :cry:

THE first i cannot remove the avast anti virus from control panel and then i used the program your uninstaller and then i can remove it from control panel . but i still can run this program. i don know how to remove it from my computer. but when i run the program it showed me that Unsecured.

You need to run the uninstaller from safe mode, while booting your system tap F8 to get to safe mode.

Booted into safe mode, ran uninstaller, says it worked but also gives error. Tried several times, will not uninstall.

Try System Restore, Sure that will work. :wink:

What was the error ???

Any other antivirus installed (specially McAfee)?

windows xp, sp3, firefox (latest)

i am having this problem and NONE OF THESE FIXES WORK.
avast (6 free) wont switch on, and wont uninstall, and it wont let me update to avast 7.
i cant unlock with anything, none of the dowlanoaded fixes from avast work, and am getting really tired of this.

last night in uninstalled using revo, the inbuilt uninstaller gave an error too, however it did appear to delete all associated folders, however on a restart there was avast back on my bottom task bar!
i have tried using revo hunter mode, and various unlockers but to no avail.
i cant disable it from the start-up process either!

it wont uninstall, wont update, wont switch on, and wont delete NOTHING WORKS>
none of the tips, or “fix” downloads work, all give errors.


Not good for antivirus and firewalls. On contrary, it messes.

Boot in Safe Mode and run the avast uninstall tool from there.