can't repair avast, stuck in updating mode

I noticed virus definitions were not updating at all and it is stuck in update settingss mode. I tried resetting, that did not work and then I tried repairing and this did not work. Should I just uninstall using the avastclear and then re-intall?

windows 10 1803

Have you tried a computer restart?

yes, it made no difference

Does avast give any error messages?
Does avast say it is not updated?
Does avast recive stream updates?

error message says setup is already running s. it is not receiving streaming updates.

Should I just uninstall using the avastclear and then re-intall?
Yepp try that

I will do it late tomorrow after work and board meeting

Just happy update: the issue has resolved itself and Avast is back to its normal self! Thank you for your help :slight_smile: