can't restart providers

Hi all. I’ve been using avast for a long time and recently realized that I didn’t need to have all the usual providers running. I don’t use IM or P2P so I disabled those providers.
However, I stopped a provider that I’d like to start using again but when I right click the avast icon in the system tray, the resume provider menu thingy is greyed out, stopping me from being able to access it.
I apologize ahead of time if this is an old issue that was resolved long ago. I just joined this forum tonight. Can anyone help me figure out why I can’t access the resume provider menu?

Which provider and how did you stop it?

Have you tried left clicking the avast button to bring up the on-acces screen and select the provider you want to resume and click the Start button?

Thank you for the speedy reply. Now I feel real stupid. I forgot that if you double left click the icon you get a whole different interface. You made me realize that I was being a mental weenie. Thanks for your input, oh, and don’t tell anyone else I asked this question… :wink:

Welcome to the forums.

More stupid would have been not to ask, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t ;D

However, if the resume provider in the right click context menu is grayed out, that is effectively saying you haven’t got any providers paused. You could have Terminated a provider, which would stop it not pause it, in that case the resume would be grayed out as no providers are paused.


I made that very mistake earlier…

Original Poster,

The Resume only works if a provider is paused, not stopped (terminated)…

hi there mates,

what should I do if I terminated a provider and want it back again ?

Start it again, open the avast On-Access Scanners interface, left click on the avast icon in the system tray.

I feel very stupid ;D

thank you for the reply David…


What about the Stop/Start On-Access Protection item at the bottom of the right-click menu? Is “Start” only shown as an option if you’ve stopped all providers?

(Edit) Never mind, just answered my own question. I stopped the I.M. provider, and that menu item still shows as “Stop … Protection”. So it looks like “Start” is an option only if all have been stoppped.

As I have said before not so stupid as not to ask ;D
Welcome to the forums.