Can't 'restore' or 'extract' these two new false positives from Chest

Good morning all,

Last night Avast started finding false positives (Win32:Delf-MZG and Win32:Zbot-MKK) on my machine … 138 to be exact.

I put them all in the Chest and then this morning tried to follow the posted advice about either ‘Restoring’ or ‘Extracting’ them.

Well, to make a long story short, neither option worked for me.

When I tried to ‘Restore’ them from the Chest I received this message:

Program can not restore the following file, because the original location is not defined: (name of file followed)

When I tried to ‘Extract’ them from the chest I got this message:

You are trying to restore a file from the Chest. The file already exists. Should the Program overwrite the existing file?

At this point I am totally lost. ??? Any suggestions?

Thanks and regards,


Hello 2harts4ever

it might be a hidden file, so you cannot see the file. just disable in folder options and see if you can see the file



Nope … same result. Does this mean these 138 files will always remain in my chest even though they are false positives?


You said the program said the file already existed. Are you trying to restore the files multiple times?

I mean, if the file is already there (“already exists”) then there is no problem, right?

(note that restoring a file doesn’t actually delete it from the Chest. It just extracts the file from the Chest to its original location).


Vlk ,

So are you saying if the file is already in its original spot after I do the restore from the Chest I can just go ahead and delete it from the Chest?



Basically yes, previous testing that the file(s) and/or programs they belong to are working properly.

Exactly. When it comes to computers it’s always wise to double-check everything before deleting anything.

I mean, what I’m saying is that it LOOKS like the files are already restored, but how could I know for sure?

You should first make sure that the files (programs) in question work as expected.

Thanks much

Hi Vlk and Diazruanova ,

Okay, I have checked on all the programs I tried to extract and my computer says the file already exists so I deleted them all from the Chest and all the Programs still work.

But now, I still have 63 items left in my Chest from thedse two False Positives. All are from:

C:\System Volume Information_restore ( various long numbers follow here)

My problem with them is I don’t know how to get to … C:\System Volume Information_restore … to see if they exist.

Any ideas on this?

I have to do some ‘honey-dos’ right now, I will check back when I am finished.

Thanks and regards,


These files are only needed for the System restore feature. These are “shadow copies” of the other executables you have already extracted from the Chest.

Unless you need to use the System restore feature you can ignore these for now (in fact, you probably have no other choice)…

Hi again Vlk,

Thanks for the fast response.

So am I correct that you are telling me to just let these “restore” files in my Chest OR is it okay to go ahead and delete them?

Thanks and regards,


I’d leave them for now, they will do no harm.
If your system runs smoothly for some time you can delete them at any time.


Sounds like a plan to me. That’s what I will do.

I appreciate all your help and your patience. :slight_smile:

Have a great day!


I have a similar problem.

There were 32 files which were sen to the Chest during this chaotic morning.

When I tried to restore them, I got a message which told me that two files couldn’t be restored because the original location is not defined. The files were named something like 0000000000000000000018 and 00000000000000000019 but I can’t find any files with those names in the Chest.

I saved the message about the files who couldn’t be restored but I have no idea where it ended up. I can’t find it!

So what do I do now? I don’t know what those files are or if they are important for my computer.

How can I find and re-install those files? How do I know if they are important or not?

Should I try a “system restore”?

What will happen with the 32 files in the Chest. When I did send them to the chest this morning, I had to abort after a couple of minutes because “the disk was full”. What will happen now if a REAL virus shows up and it’s impossible to send any files to the Chest because it’s full. What do I do with the 32 files which are there now?

I’ve always had full confidence in my version of Avast Professional and in Avast in common but this error has made me very dissapointed.

However, I have no intention to change to any other anti-virus program because I still think that Avast is the best program.