can't run live update anymore

Hi people,
I guess it is a you already known problem I can’t get rid of. I used Norton Antivir as standard virus detecting program until my computer got infected with the type of virus which denies Norton AntiVir access to live update. Also it denies access by trying to enter the Symantec home page. Several other Anti-Virus program provider’s websides are locked/blocked as well.
Can anybody tell me the name of that beast and how to get rid of it.
I have run the free avast virus dedector(or removal tool) -didn’t find anything!!
Help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Sincerely Max

Check your Windows folder (including the subfolders) for the file called hosts
Usually, there should be only one item there (appart from the initial comments, marked by the # character): localhost

If there are any more of them (especially ones containing the sites you cannot connect to), delete them.


I would try running another cleaner such as Mcaffee Stinger tool. It will find all the popular mass mailing viruses and hopfully fix your computer. Try here

Kind Regards
