ok i have been running Avast on all my computer systems for the past 4 years and never had any problems with it, i just installed the most updated version of avast and now it is comming up with RICHED20.DLL file is infected, this is part of Windows live messanger, what can i do to get around it??? i use messanger all the time and quite frankly i’m really peeved off that i cant use this program. what can i do???
None of the versions of riched20.dll on my system are showing as infected when scanned by avast (VPS 080525-0).
The latest version I have in the Windows\system32 folder is dated April 13 2008 and has length 433,664 apparently installed by Windows XP SP3.
I get no avast alerts on starting Windows Live Messenger.
You may want to get a second option on your version by having it scanned at VirusTotal.
i completely reinstalled Messanger just to make sure it wasn’t it, the only way i can get messanger running now is to pause my provider for messanger then restart it when i have logged in2 messanger, my partner is peeved at this cuz he isn’t computer savvy at all and likes things to be simple for him to use!!!
Welcome to the forums, krissy.
Please do as suggested by alanrf and test your version of RICHED20.DLL at VirusTotal and post the results in this thread. This DLL can be infected by various malware including the Nimda worm.