We just upgraded to the new version Avast 5.0.594
and the computer won’t run youtube videos after updating to new Avast, so how do we run youtube videos, which we need to do for our work.
How do we fix that problem? We didn’t have that problem with the previous Avast software.
Specs: Computer is a 2.4 gigahertz Acer computer running at 64 bits with 4 gb of ram running Vista Home
Also more helpful information from the person who posted original question:
If I unload Avast 5.0.594 everything on the Internet works well. When I reinstall it, it goes back to not letting me run youtube videos and I can’t see any pictures of phones on Blacberry’s web site.
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Did you uninstall any previous AV (including Avast) or use the built in program updater?
What other security software has been/is still installed on the computer?
are you running more than one security application? running multi ones will cause slow down of the computer and inter-fear with another. Is a message from avast puping up saying the youtube vid is infected at all? I don’t think this problems is coming from avast i think you might be infected. I would suggest you run malwarebytes-antimalware. [free version] www.malwarebytes.com
And no I did not unload Avast 5.0.594 before running the update as it was only an update.
And to reiterate–just unloading the program fixes it.
I have a feeling that the problem has to do with updating the Adobe Flash since youtube and Blackberry use primarily Flash to do their videos. The new .594 Avast may have been updated to a new Adobe Flash with no backwards compatibility.
I am a computer technician for many years and I also take time to think through the problem before doing any extreme changes and, this is what keeps coming to me. So, I will try it and get back to you all.
Yes, the problem is Avast 5.0.594 disables Adobe Flash from running.
This is definitely the problem.
I am currently trying to find a way to fix it.
Uninstalling Flash and reinstalling does not work.
Things I have tried:
I unistalled Avast 5.0
—Flash still did not work
I restored computer to before Avast was installed
—Flash works fine
I installed Avast 5.0
—Flash does not work
I uninstalled Flash and reinstalled Flash
—Flash does not work
Will keep trying to find out what Avast disabled regard Adobe Flash.
[b]Important![/b] If any applications are using Flash Player when you run the uninstaller, uninstall may complete without deleting all the necessary files. If you accidentally left any applications open, close all applications and run the uninstaller again. Applications that use Flash Player include web browsers such as Internet Explorer, instant messaging clients such as AOL Instant Messenger, stand-alone SWF applications (*.swf files), and projectors (*.exe files that play Flash content).
Have done all of these suggestions before except I only installed for IE. Will try installing for other versions if helpful but in the meanwhile I have notified Avast Tech support of above problem.
the link you posted–after navigating to it and selecting Vista as the operating system–the button to download will not work–which is caused by the same problem–flash won’t work.