Can't schedule boot time scan

Everytime I start avast and try to schedule a boot time scan, it’s grayed out and I can’t select it. Why is this? Everything is updated and I am running the current version of avast. I want to run a boot time scan because I suspect there is still an infection in my memory. I have tried to run a scan in safe mode but it takes so long to load up before it actually scans (even the scan is painfully slow)

BTW I am running an old OS (WinME) I know I know…but I just recently sold my newer desktop (financial problems) and my mom gave me her old computer…yeah…I thought it was at least running XP…guess I Was wrong :-\

Your OS doesn’t support a boot-time scan, that is why it is greyed out.

The best you can do is boot into safe mode and run an avast scan from there (note avast doesn’t run in safe mode) so you need to double click the avast shortcut icon on your desktop ot run the ashavast.exe file in the avast4 folder.

Or you can leave for DOS environment and use avast for DOS.
Link and registry key for avast for DOS into Links in my signature. Note, the absence of an internal boot scanning feature is not a limitation of avast (or even the Home version), it’s a matter of Windows. In Windows 9x\Me you need to boot into DOS.