In order for e-mails to be scanned by the Mail Shield, it is necessary that encryption is turned off in the mail client software. If encryption is required, the appropriate e-mail accounts need to be configured in the Mail Shield to establish a secure connection with the mail server. This will enable all incoming and outgoing e-mails to be scanned by the Mail Shield. All other e-mail accounts using unencrypted connections should be listed as unencrypted in the SSL Accounts settings of the Mail Shield (i.e. SSL/TLS encryption set to ‘None’, ports for SMTP to ‘25’, for POP3 to ‘110’ or for IMAP to ‘143’, by default).
When I stop Internet shield mail shield and spam shield I can send can you help with this?
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, [b]Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols [/b]that provide communications security over the Internet.[1] TLS and[b] SSL encrypt the segments of network connections above the Transport Layer, using symmetric cryptography[/b] for privacy and a keyed message authentication code for message reliability.
So, Verizon does not support encryption, or why did you set up the POP like that in Avast? Also, there is no setting in Avast for SMTP, again. I am not going to ponder about Verizon instructions, kindly point me to their support page so that I can tell how to set up your email client and Avast.
Seems weird that SSL shows in the error message as you pointed out Nesivos but the settings for ssl aren’t checked in my account settings. Doktornotor, I didn’t set up my email in Avast that’s the way it set itself up.
Nesivos, those settings are what I’m using. I’ll try contacting Avast support, I can see this becoming a situation where neither Verizon or Avast wants to take responsibilty. Computers… what a concept!