Can't start providers

I recently installed avast!4 after never having any problems with version 3. Since the upgrade whenever I try to start the email or resident providers, I get the message “The resident task could not be found”
Only the Quick Scanner seems to work.

I’m using Win95B, AMD K100 processor with 32MB RAM and I’ve installed MDAC 2.6 SP1 and Jet4.0 SP7



I have not heard of many complaints of Avast4 and W95, but since it is an older platform, not many users still have it.

Anyway, did you try to upgrade “over” version 3 ?
At this point, it sounds like a corrupted file which may have occured during the installation.

I would recommend that you uninstall Avast 4, download a copy of Avclear and Avclear4 from the Avast site and use both to completely clean out your system of any leftover Avast files.

Make sure all Windows apps are shut down prior to starting the installation, and then try a reinstall of Avast4.

Let me know what happens.


Try opening the file avast\deftask.xml in NotePad and changing the first line

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250" ?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>


What will changing the xml line do in the deftask file?

Techie, to be honest, I’ve got no idea ???

However, it was suggested recently by Roman as a solution to a known problem with starting residents on the old Windows 95 (B):;action=display;threadid=645;start=0

The uninstall of version 3 seemed okay but I’ll try using Avclear and Avclear4 and let you know what happens. I won’t have access to my computer until the weekend, so I’ll post in a couple of days.

My girlfriend has a similar system with Win95 and her upgrade worked flawlessly without needing ODBC or Jet upgrades so I know it can run on the ancient OS :slight_smile:

Uninstalling with Avclear then reinstalling didn’t help. I have reinstalled version 3 which is working fine.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Sorry to hear you could not get Avast 4 going on your W95 system.
Sometimes in computer-land, an OS just doesn’t seem to like a program no matter what you do.
My W98 won’t run Avast4 Home no matter what I tried. Avast itself is a fine program which seems to be stable with most OS we’ve tried, but the unexplanable always creeps in when you least expect it.
Hopefully someday you will be able to update to the Avast4 version.
Avast3 is good, but has problems and is not as stable as the newer version, but you have to use what you can.

Good luck, and thanks for staying with Avast!

Try another thing: switch avast! to use XML instead of ODBC data store. It can be done by editing of Database key placed in avast4.ini file. Replace its value (it should be “ODBC” now") with “XML”.
After restart avast! will start to use XML data store. Let me know if it solve your problem…

avast! works on computer without installed ODBC with no problem. This is the case of computer of your girl friend probably. There is no problem to detect not installed ODBC (in this case avast! switches to XML data store automatically) but problem is in case of ODBC is not working properly.
We are trying to find solution to this problem and sorry for problems with it…