Can't start

Can’t seem to start avast Home. Get a red circle on the tray icon. Go to start any of the providers and I get the error “The requested resident task was not found - The operation could not be completed.” Worked until recently, but I’ve made a lot of updates in the last day or so, IEradicator and a few other changes. Already tried reinstalling and repairing…

Running on Win98SE.

Did you try a full uninstall, boot, run avast clear, boot, intall, boot…
Do not by-pass the boots 8)

It’s amazing how many people forget that a lot of the info for a lot of programs is in the registry. Removing the program alone, doesn’t read the new info into your system.
The computer still has the same old registry info in memory till the system is rebooted.
Also remember that some hardware installations require a complete shutdown and restart in order for the system to find the new hardware…
I know it’s a royal pain to reboot but, there are times it becomes a critical operation.

I did the Uninstall/Reboot/Install/Reboot part, but I didn’t know there was an AvastClear/Reboot step. I’ll try that and update. Thanks.

Well, I followed the prescribed treatment, but avast4!home still doesn’t start. What should I try next???

What is IEradicator?
Do you still have IE in your system?
I think it’s a requirement for avast a functional MS Internet Explorer 4 or higher.


see IErdicator on

It removes portions of IE4/5/6 from the system. I then reinstalled IE6. Perhaps something is still missing from what Avast expects to see. DO you have more details of what in IE is required for Avast?

Well, they must say something… Where is the avast team? ::slight_smile:
If I’m not wrong, IE is necessary for quite a little things on showing help, startup help, iNews… Nothing that can’t be solved but, of course, I’m not the programmer…

Why don’t you repair IE6 installation again?

I did the IE6 Repair, but same story. Avast!4 Home won’t start.

OK, let’s try another thing.
Go to the \Data folder, open the file avast4.ini in Notepad and search for the line
Now, change the line to

Does this help anyhow?

The “Database = XML” edit seems to have done the trick. Thanks!!!