Can't temporarily disable Avast AV

My PC is going slow (very slow).
I wish to investigate with Combofix & also by running only MSSE.

Problem is I can’t disable Avast without a password.
This seems like great security but my password is not accepted & I have tried every possible password variation.
Is my only option to uninstall?

right click tray icon and pause Shields from there

I wish to investigate with Combofix & also by running only MSSE.
do you have avast and MSSE installed? never install multiple AV as this will give you a slow machine, Windows arrors and false detections

if you dont remeber Your avast password, then only option is to reinstall

Hi Pondus, does deleting aswResp.dat still works with version 8 as i can’t find the file? I have searched to see if it’s working with avast 8 and has found a guide with a screenshot of version 8. ::slight_smile: