Can't Turn Off Passive Mode - Windows 7

I’ve uninstalled my last anti-virus software (AVG) and turned Windows Defender off. I have no other anti-virus software on my system, but Avast (free edition) refuses to leave Passive Mode. There is a notification saying, “More antiviruses on one PC can cause performance and security issues. For that reason our real time shields are now off. To fix this issue, please uninstall colliding antivirus programs manually.” And when I go into settings/general/troubleshooting, the box you check to activate/deactivate passive mode is blacked out so that I cannot interact with it.

What do I do? Thanks in advance!

Did you run the AVG uninstall tool and reboot?
Also, look in Programs > Uninstall a Program to make sure you didn’t forget anything.

Yes, I uninstalled it via their tool and double checked. I rebooted the system after uninstalling AVG, and again after turning off Windows Defender. Avast still won’t leave Passive Mode.

Is AVG / avast the only AV you have used ?

Uninstallers – Security Software >>

Please see Pondus’ question.

Try repairing Avast and reboot.

Still no joy? Avast ui > Settings > Troubleshooting > click Reset to Default and reboot.

One other question. Why did you want to change from AVG to Avast?
Avast owns AVG. The protection offered in both is virtually the same.
The only difference is the User Interface.