Can't uninstall Avast! WebRep Extension

When Avast updated, it made a extension for my browsers. Ever since I updated it, Firefox has been crashing when viewing Youtube videos(iffy on some flash content sites). I think the problem might be this extension, but I can’t seem to uninstall it. I see it on the extensions list, but everything is grayed out. I can’t go to options, enable, or uninstall. It isn’t compatible with my version of Firefox. The fear is that the extension isn’t the problem, but I just want to be sure by axing this extension. I was able to get rid of it on Chrome. We settings or fix do I have to do to get rid of this?

I’m able to uninstall the extension, but the problem remains with Youtube videos crashing. It started after updating Avast! to the latest version, so not sure where to pinpoint the problem.

Is the problem only with Firefox? Have you tried updating the flash player?

Seems to be only Firefox and I have the latest Flash. Youtube videos work for Chrome, but prior to updating Avast!, Firefox did the same thing. So not sure what happened.

In Firefox if an extension is not compatible it gets turned off which is why the menu is grayed out.

If you don’t want the Web Rep at all go to your avast install , Start> Control Panel > Programs and Features > Avast and select “Change” you can remove the "Browser Protetion " plugins there.

Thanks for the tip, AdrianH. I figured out that one of the features for Avast!, Script Shield, kept interfering with Firefox on the videos. So I chose to disable that feature.