Can't uninstall Avast!


When I run Add/Remove, Avast! just does an “install”!

There is no “uninstall” option in Avast!'s startmenu files.

Very tricky finding how to uninstall, using your help file. But I finally tracked it down…I’m supposed to download “avclear.exe”. I did, and ran it. Upon re-boot, Avast! still loads, with fully installed program.

I need to uninstall, as I’m trying to resolve a strange pop-up that may be a virus. After trying everything else (including removing all startup programs via msconfig), I need to uninstall Avast!, to see if that was the problem (as this problem started soon AFTER installing various programs, including Avast!..which all other programs uninstalled, did not end problem).

You search engine was NO help, simply trying to search for “uninstall”. This is frustrating. I don’t understand why you would make uninstalling such a nuisance. It makes me wary of every wanting to keep such a program…which is now suspect for imposing a pop-up window on startup, that won’t let any other program under startup load…until I close down the pop-up. Here’s a description of the pop-up:

–begin descrip.:

Upon loading Windoze98se, a little window about 1-inch square pops up,
with a dialog ballon that says only “i”, and a rectangular “okay”
button. It is the first thing to load on startup…and if I don’t
click “okay”, nothing else will load. Once I do, my startup programs
load as normal.

Now, I can’t figure how to stop this, as CTRL-ALT-DEL shows NOTHING to

This is a used system donated by a friend, about 5 days ago. I have
reformatted the entire hard drive, and reinstalled Windoze98se. This
strange little box first appeared about three days ago.

–end of descrip.

At this point, I do not care to waste more type for help with something that should be easy (uninstalling). I’m just reporting this matter, for the sake of other Avast! users. My conclusion:

Any program that is sneaky about uninstalling, and even says it will with such-and-such a program…is a candidate for SUSPICION of spying, or even virus planting.

Switch to AVG antivirus:

Now, I gotta REMOVE all presence of Avast! via manual deletion from registry, after first setting it to NOT load via msconfig. And then, I’ll SHARE this msg. in appropriate newsgroups, as a warning NOT to install Avast!

Sorry, but I install and uninstall avast tons of times in Windows 95, 98SE, Me and XP.
No trouble 8)

avast is not a spyware.
Did you install the version 4 and download the avclear.exe for version 4 (not for 32), I suppose.

Did you try to boot at safe mode and run the Add/Remove from Control Panel?

Sorry if you are frustrated but we love avast and the forums ;D

  1. avast has a normal uninstaller (via Add/Remove programs). But before uninstalling, you need to update to the latest version (that’s the ‘install’ you saw)

  2. you need avclear4.exe, not avclear. Please see . Avclear4 does its job perfectly.


The website search for “uninslall” produces some links and the first one is:

[avast! uninstall utility]
uninstall: … Free antivirus software download - avast! uninstall utility ');} if (document.layers){doc…

and the link is:

That’ the truth…


Hi, your link does not work. I have been trying to uninstall this since, when it was installed, my still decent computer turned to crap. I still can’t uninstall it. Either make it easy to do or provide a new link I can actually use.

Given you are posting in a topic over 15 years old I’m not surprised links no longer work.

It would be best to create your own new topic and provide more details on your installation.

What OS are you using ?
What Avast Version are you using, the latest being version 19.6.2383 (build: 19.6.4546.508) ?