Can't uninstall or find PIN

About 2 months ago I installed Avast Mobile Security to try it out. I uninstalled it like an hour later, after goofing with initial setup stuff and deciding I didn’t like it much.

Today my sister tells me that she’s gotten spam messages from Avast like 4 times over the past couple months. I think she’s the phone number I used as some security option while setting up Avast, in the case of theft or something. I suspect that even though I uninstalled Avast, it’s still on my phone somehow spamming her.

So I reinstall Avast to try to delete her number from my settings. It’s asking for a PIN on launch, which I of course can’t remember. A bit of research online shows that it wouldn’t still be asking for a PIN if I had indeed successfully uninstalled Avast in the first place. Apparently this means that I only uninstalled Mobile Security and not Anti-theft two months ago?

I look through my list of installed apps, thinking maybe I disguised it as another program, but I can’t remember what I might have called it and none of the app names on my phone seem out of place.

I go to Settings > Security > Device Administrator to make sure the Anti-theft box isn’t checked. The Anti-theft option isn’t even there. So all seems good there.

Does this mean I have Anti-theft installed somewhere and I just don’t recognize the name and so I therefore can never uninstall it? Does this mean I don’t actually have Anti-theft installed? Then why is it still asking me for a PIN? How can I get my PIN so I can get into my account and make it stop spamming my poor sister?

Thank you in advance for any help/advice.

If anybody has any suggestions, I would love you forever. Now that I’ve been trying to figure out my pin, it’s really spamming my sister. She’s gotten like 4 texts today since I started. :frowning:

Try 0000