I updated my virus file definitions recently and after the update completed a message appeared saying that Windows Defender was incompatible with Avast and I should uninstall it. I have already disabled Defender, but thought Avast was smarter than me, so I attempted to find the uninstall instructions. After a long frustrating effort, I concluded that Defender can’t be uninstalled from Windows 10. I’m looking for additional instructions, or confirmation that even though Avast recommends it, Defender can’t be uninstalled. Please help.
I never heard or seen about a vps update that checks for other installed av’s.
Are you sure there wasn’t a application update ?
If it was avast that said to remove Windows Defender, the wording is wrong.
As Asyn also confirmed, it can’t be removed only disabled.
Here is a nice explanation on why it should be disabled if you want to use another av :
Windows Defender (on Win8.x/10) is supposed to automatically disable itself when it “realizes” another anti-virus is running [and up-to-date].
It should automatically re-enable itself if it finds that no other anti-virus program is running [or if the running one is outdated].
In other words, Defender remains omni-present, deferring to any other currently running anti-virus (OEM-installed, user-installed), but activating itself otherwise. It’s there as a safeguard.
[Note: Window Defender on Win7 and earlier is a completely different creature.]
From win8.x, onwards windows defender (WD) is an integral part of the windows version, so it can’t be uninstalled. A little like Internet Explorer couldn’t be uninstalled in earlier OS versions as it was used for other display functions in the OS.
When you install avast, the windows OS should disable WD.
This is most likely what you’ll see after the next update release of Windows 10: