can't update address.

I have moved and want to update my new mailing address but when I try it keeps saying my email address is not a valid format. how can I access the change if your program is refusing to accept my correct email address?

Where and how exactly are you trying to change your email address?

The only place I can find to change is via a link from the billing notice. but when I go to the step where it asks for email address it keeps saying email is not in correct format. But it is typed in the correct format so the issue is with the link page . I searched the Account page but there is no link for making updates just links to add services. No way to contact anyone on line. just phone but with poor hearing trying to fumble with non native English speakers mumbling that is useless

Phone support is not for things like changing a email address, it is for technical support.

You can contact avast online through the ticket system.

Where exactly are you trying to change it ? (url)

I called and sort of got it fixed but the tech. spelled the street name wrong. Well if my pay account refuses to pay I’ll just find another service that is easier to deal with and does not have technical issues that cannot be corrected. There is no excuse for their page to not be able to recognize a CORRECT email format. Simple things like that reflect in the overall ability of the company to actually provide what they say they are providing.

Nexway and Digital River are not avast.
That phone number is not avast

avast is providing what they are saying.

Next time if you are asking for help, provide details and answer the question(s).