Can't update AIS ver6.0.1000 virus database


Just updated AIS to version 6.0.1000 but I am having problems updating the virus database. I’ve been online for 5 hours now and it’s still “initializing”. I downloaded the vps update at it launched/ran normally but later it showed an error “…spawning…” something.

Anyone experiencing this…?

What can I do?


I’m having the same problem, it just says the my license is invalid. :frowning:

Please, upload (attach) the avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log
(or the shorter C:\Users\All Users\Alwil Software\Avast5\log\Setup.log).

If the file is too big for the forum, post the last 400-500 lines of it.


It’s been 14 hours now and still AISver6 will not update. Eeven with the application of the manual vps I have downloaded. My license is not a problem as it recognizes mine. With the exception of the license issue mine and pixo’s problem is the same. Internet connection is not the problem as I have updated all the other programs fine and dandy.

I also have observed that it takes too long for Windows 7 to eject my pendrive. Had to log-off before I can eject it. Was not that way.

Any ideas please…

Will I also post the setup log as with pixo’s…? If not what will I do short of reverting back to ver5.1.889…?

jason7619, the log will help troubleshooting.
About ejecting, I think there isn’t a problem or, if there is in your case, it’s unrelated to updates.


Did a clean install and everything seems to work fine as of the moment now downloading updates. I’ll check the manual installation of the updates later. Will be back to report again here.


Don’t worry about this one, Tech.
He did use a stolen key. ::slight_smile:

How did you discover?

Start reading here:
Btw, you did even post in this thread. :wink:

How could you be sure that jason7619 was in the same situation?

Asyn hasn’t said that jason7619 has a stolen (invalid license), his references (and his quote) relates to pixo45. He isn’t saying jason7619 is in the same situation.

Also jason7619 says in his post he isn’t having a problem with his license, but not being able to update.

Sorry, I’ve misread the crossed posts.

For the record my key is not stolen. I got it from the winter promo last year. I also got another one from a forum winning which also got what they offered from the winter promo.

I am so sorry for pixo45 about his “issue”. There are lots of promo’s giveaways out there even if he has not been lucky in the winter promo…so he should not have taken pains to attempt to do that via the YouTube thing he has seen(that post or whatever it was should be banned there…$%#@*&@!!!:frowning: AND there is the freeware version which is solid. I wonder why…

Went back to report about my incident about updates.

Well it’s okay now and have confirmed that I can update both manually and automatically. I seem to notice that when I hit Maintenance>update engine and virus definition, that it still goes “Initializing 1/2…etc” and seems like to go forever…then after about 5-8minutes there was the green pop-up saying I am updated.

That was like that yesterday and today for my AvastFree and AIS(without the firewall).

Seems to be okay now. Will get back here tomorrow if there are any additional observations.

Thanks guys for the support here:)


YouTube poster bad ass bit…#$@$%&(*&!!!)

Nobody said so. Don’t worry, jason. :wink:

–Thank you and just wanted to clear that out…people might get confused as what happened to Tech. AND I wanna thank you guys for clearing it out:) Yehey:)

Anyway, reporting bakc that I am updating fine and dandy for both AID ver6 and AvastFree ver6:) Yeah! Manual updates are also okay(you’d have to do a reboot to see the applied manual update…right?)

Thanks all:)

If you are using a license file that is not legit than updating via the client and trying to install the updates from the avast! website will not work. The only way it will work is if you uninstalled the avast! and inserted the license file that way. If you did that and it worked than you did not buy the license file. If you want Avast! paid version than buy it!



Are you referring to me…? Wow…man, KINDLY/PLEASE READ Replies #12/13/14. In fact I have two AIS LEGIT licenses. If warranted I am open to Vlk to check/scrutinize the two AIS legit licenses I have. Thank you very much.

Back here to report what I noticed about application of manual updates. I seem to remember that when I clicked the vpsupdate.exe it ran and installed correctly. Complete with the pop-up confirmation that the VPS is updated.

I tried it again today to see for sure if really I can update manually. Well apparently it doesn’t.

Kindly see the image attached. I got this error from the Progam Compatibility Assistant earlier again after I manually installed updates. (It was always like that when it was still ver5.1.889 but the GI showed that I am updated as confirmed by the avast pop-up confirmation.)

I just reboot and see/check if the update went through or not. It showed that it did not. Rebooted again and checked. I was not updated. The image attached will show the date today and the discrepancy between the GUI/Maintenance GUI and the avast pop-up confirmation that I am up-to-date.

I have no errors in the download of manual updates.

Am I doing it right? I mean the way I manually update…double-click the vpsupdate.exe…?

I tried it 5x now and still the GUI and all that’s in the attached image shows up. I see also that Step 1/2 prod-ais.vpx is taking longer today…the image attached has been for 45minutes now. It usually just takes 5min or 8min max…The images attached, avastpost3 shows that I am updated but when I check the Summary GUI I am not. There is also no green pop-up today telling me that I a m updated. Nothing.

What can I further check/do to make it work?

Anyone experiencing this phenomemnon?



I re-installed AIS ver 6.0.1000 earlier and trimmed it down (will do a change install later if everything will turn out okay after a couple of days). No Behavioral/Webrep/AutoSandbox disabled/Firewall. It updated fine after double-clicking the vpsupdate.exe for February 27 and 28.

One thing I noticed that the pop-up was different. It said that it had updated from 11223-1 to 11227-2 / 11227-2 to 11228-1 (something like that…sorry I wasn’t able to get a screenshot…was very tired…plus I’m still out) There was two events of Product Compatibility Assistant (one for each manual update execution) and I clicked “Reinstall using recommended settings”. After that it was successfull.

I will check the auto-update later. I will not select to update via the Maintenance GUI but will wait for it to update itself. ( Normally when I connect to th internet I start updating everything manually --you know “start update” thing). :slight_smile:

I am not at the machine at the moment but I will attach the:

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log
(or the shorter C:\Users\All Users\Alwil Software\Avast5\log\Setup.log).

as mentioned in the earlier replies by Tech. Is it needed here…? Is it okay to attach it here or copy/paste the log here…? Will wait for advice.

I am using CIS ver 5.3.181415.1237(firewall/D+/Sandbox disabled —clean install/update from x.x.xxxxxx.1236 after re-installing AISver6.0.1000) on that particular machine.

It was not like that when I was with AISver5.1.889 (and CISver5.3.xxxxxx.1236).

The update problem I am having is only with AIS ver6.0.1000.

In my other machine’s with AvastFreever6.0.1000 it’s not like that. Updating is fine and dandy(one with OA Premium and one with CISver5.3.xxxxxx.1236).

Thanks will go home now:) ;D

Here again to report back. Now using the pc and it updated automatically. I just have to download the vpsupdate.exe for today and test it again later.

Another observation: Please see image attached. Am I protected or not???

About the log file…will I copy/paste or attach?

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Same story here again…

Not updating via auto and manual. Will do another clean re-install…tsk…