Cant update any security

I am not too technically minded about computers . I was running avast free version and everything was updating fine. It then advised me it was out of date. I cannot update this or go into any other site concerning security. Windows defender will also not connect. When I go into some websites it takes me to either google or yahoo.

I have run the out of date avast and it is not finding any viruses however it does say some of my files are corrupt. Server.

Please help

Check your computer for Malware with

Malwarebytes Antimalware
after install click UPDATE and run quick scan, click on REMOVE SELECTED to quarantine anything found

Are cookies really spyware and are they dangerous?

If anything is found come back and post the scan logs here

Your a genius after hours of trying to sort this i downloaded the malware and ran it . it identified 51 problems. my computer is now back to running normally - what a relief. i also downloaded the super anti spyware that you suggested.

Do I keep running avast and the 2 programmes above all the time. Or do I just use the above at certain times?

Sorry for being so stupid

MBAM or Super? Did you send files to Chest? Are you sure they’re not cookies?

You can.

MBAM and they are in the chest. Should I delete them from this. And they are not cookies

Well… avast should improve detection but I think MBAM does not allow exporting the files to be sent to avast after.
Maybe you can post a screenshot of the file name/paths and the virus names.

Please post the contents of the MBAM log.

Ordinarily I would like it if you could send the samples to avast, but the MBAM Quarantine doesn’t have an extract to a different folder like avast, only Restore. This sends it back to the original location and this could mean they would be active if the associated registry files are also restored. This is an unacceptable risk, so we will have to let them stay in the MBAM Quarantine for a while.

Log attached. Superspyware also found adware and that is in their quarantine

Seems like much of it was my web search and adware which is more of a minor irritation than a serious piece of malware, but better gone than left there.

The more serious ones being the Trojan.DNSChanger registry keys that changed the DNS you normally use, your ISPs one to one in the Ukraine Domain:, so highly suspect.

So the detections look good and other than the NNDChanger relatively mild.

You can post the SAS log if you wish.

Do I keep running avast and the 2 programmes above all the time. Or do I just use the above at certain times?
jepp keep the programs and do daily or weekly scans. your MBAM quick scan only tok 5min, the time it takes for making a cup of tea they are updated several times a day so remember to run update before you scan

Thanks guys you have been brilliant. Don’t know what I would have done without you. Would probably have cost me a fortune to pay someone to fix it.

You’re welcome.