Can't update Avast after System Restore Ver 5 to Ver 7

On 12 March I updated my Avast from v5 to v7. Today I had to do a system restore which took me back to v5. However Avast is stopped and I can’t get it started. I am not sure how to remove the old version(which shows to be v5 now) so that I can update it with the latest. When I tried the help it brought up the v7 help (it’s a bit confused???). It will not let me updated it from the user interface and I can’t find the Avast folder in the ‘All Programs’ to use the uninstall. Also not in the control panel. I am using Vista 32 bit OS. How can I get avast working again?

follow the instructions and remove with this (from dropp down menu run it for both avast 5 and 7) then reboot

i guess you have the free…download and install new

Thank you for the utility.
No it’s not the free one. It’s the bought suite. Where do I get that from?

download and install as trail

when you have it up and running and updated…insert your license file

Thank you. That makes sense. I do have the lic file.

Hi Pondus. I have the same problem as av, but I can not remove Avast. I am getting “acwsclear.exe is not valid Win32 application” window while trying to run it. I hope you can help me. I am using free version of Avast, Vista32.

and you run it in safemode ?

Yes, I used safemode.