Can't update avast free antivirus

I got a pretty big problem
I can’t use avast free antivirus that i’ve been using, becouse it needs to update I guess.

Trying to update, it gets like 1-3% along before it stops, saying it “Last encountered error: The package is broken”

Does anyone know what to do to fix that?

I got version 5.1.889

do you have a firewall?
what AV program did you have before installing avast?

Well I got windows 7 firewall I suppose?

I dont think I had a diffrent AV before this one on this computer

Besides, it worked perfectly fine yesterday, it was just when I logged on today it suddenly coudnt update.

When I first booted up my PC I just got a white screen too for some reason, forcing me to re-start, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Might have to re-install maybe?

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You may need to reboot after the repair.

If this doesn’t work you may need to download the complete virus database, the repair function should say if that is required.

Is this a new PC?
was it delivered with a preinstalled AV?

I got no idea where to download the complete virus database…
Can’t I just re-install it?

Did you try the repair first, that may be enough, we can cross other bridges as we come to them. Of course you can take the reinstall route, but generally we suggest the lessor hassle of the options.

  • Avast! Manual Virus Definitions Update Download - avast! Virus Definitions Update - Manual Download ensure that you select the correct virus definitions (for avast 5, vpsupd.exe, approx 31MB). - Save the file to your hard disk, locate where you saved it and double click it and that should carry out the virus definitions update.

It said error processing packages when I tried the repair options :-/

Seems the same issue that I have with updating it

Does that mean I should re-install now? Or try that Manual virus definition update thing?

EDIT: Tried the definition update, it already said I was up to date

Normally it would have suggested using the full update of the database and that link is what I gave you. Personally that is the order I would go for.

I got the issue resolved.

I had to re-install.

Might not be the best option, but I can atleast say that is an option that works :slight_smile:

I had the same problem. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Fixed that problem as well as some other issues. Slow startup times and other minor things. It is not hard to do, but I did have some issues removing AVAST. It was like it was fighting itself and making start up and loading websites vey slow.