Cant update or uninstall ver 6(free)

Since some time I cant update virusdefination or programver.

And I cant uninstall via windows options, all it says is:
error in reading produktdata fro "C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\avast\setup". Setup cant continue

And if I try to remove Avast manually, the windows cant start at all, then I have to start in failsafe mode and return the program.

I need to know how I can remove Avast completly so I can install ver 7!


Ps, I have win 7,64b.

You can use the avast removal tool in safemode to delet avast, make sure you have first downloaded a new copy of the latest avast before removing the current.

Cant I just download the new ver after?
Or do I need install it at the same time in failsafe mode?

I mentioned to download avast first and save so that when you remove your current version you dont have to go online without an AV to find one !! install the new copy in normal mode after removing you current copy in safe mode with the removal tool.

Just did that and thx alot, was uninstalled succecfully and I have Avast7 now.

Once again, thx mate!

Your welcome :slight_smile: