Can't Update program or defs.

Hello I am new to this program and I am having a problem with definitions or program updates. When I press update nothing happens in fact I have never received an alert from my firewall ZA 4.5xx that Avast was trying to connect. In addition the icon for mail scan shows intermittently in the tray. I am using the free version and my definition are for 9-25-06.Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am using WinXP32 sP2. Thanks.

I tried to uninstall through add/remove but it only runs setup again. There is no option to remove. Please help.

:slight_smile: Hi :

 I had similar problem(s) and it might be best IF you follow
 what I did at : .

I fixed the problem: I downloaded the program again then installed right over the previous installation. Now everything is working as it should. I hope this trick may help someone else in the future. Thank you.

Best Regards