Can't update

I just started using Avast. I am on a network, the server is SBS 2000, the only workstation is a W2k. I still can’t update from the program itself. After I click on iVAS I get a a quick window that looks like it is starting to dl, then it minimizes to avast! AniVirus Setup on the task bar. It just sits there. When I rt-click to close it, then a window pops-up saying the server is down, yet I can ping it.


have you tried to play with proxy settings?

Go to settings, updates, details, proxy. Set the proxy (most probably to automatic) and test it.

Then try the manual update.

Does it work now?

Yes, when I set it to automatic I get error: Other HTTP error. When set to manual, I get server is down. Are there any special ports that need to be open. It seems to be using 80 all the time, except once I swear it said 8001. When I test either settings connection, it always says Proxy settings are correct. For manual update, do you mean go the the web site and DL. I have done that & it works. If you mean click on the lighening bolt shape on the skin, that is what is giving me the errors.

In such case I would need to get the usual files:


from avast4\setup directory.

Please, send them to setup-support AT asw DOT cz


I sent them off. Thanks

I have un/re installed & still can’t DL. :-\ I get to downloading server.def then the message says server is down. I have noticed no matter what port I say is used for my proxyserver the message always shows the IP of your server followed by the same port. My proxy port is 8080 and it appears I am trying to DL from your server port 8080. Is this a bug? Others must use proxy with no problems. ???

I have the same problem ??? Avast doesn’t want to update automatically (or by clicking on a small icon). The message says ‘server is down" :’( I have to update by downloading the update file manually.

This is just a logging problem - it displays last port used (it’s the port of your proxy) but last server used (that’s our server). Together it makes no sense, I must admit.

I checked your logs and I can’t find anything useful in them. I’ll try to incorporate better logging in newer version of installer (will be out soon) just to find out what your problem may be.

What software is running your proxy?

I run Small Business Server 2000 with ISA server 2000 implementing firewall and proxy services. I have the server running my network with just one workstation attached. I tried avast! many months ago & had problems. I am in the process of retesting it, still have problems. I want to be able to help some small customer sites by recommending your free version, possible leading to $ales, but I can’t get it to work in my setup, I hope things can get worked out. For now I can’t recommend it’s useage. :cry: The proxy issue and the resource demands are my only issues at this point. Otherwise I really like what you have going. :slight_smile:

Maybe our upcoming avast! Small Business Server Edition would suite better your needs…?

I believe the proxy issue should be sorted out. As about the resource usage, that’s worse, but there are many users of avast with 200MHz processors and 64M of RAM, and they don’t complain that much, really ;D

Great… Is there a beta version ready yet?

What authentication does it use? Could you turn off the authentication for a while (don’t know how big your business is) and try again in both modes? Or, if it runs with NTLM authentication, can you turn on the standard authentication?
