I have Avast Home installed on my laptop since March and could update the program itself and its virus database without any problems until a few days ago. But now when I hit Update nothing happens. Automatic updates don’t work either. I peeped into the end of setup.log and it says:
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Started: 16.11.2009, 21:16:21
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Running setup_av_pro-547 (1351)
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 system Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6002, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 system Memory: 52% load. Phys:987660/2086124K free, Page:3063932/4194303K free, Virt:2028640/2097024K free
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 system Computer WinName: РРР-ПК
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 system Windows Net User: ррр-ПК\ррр
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Cmdline: /silent /noreboot /stopstat “C:\Users\0226~1\AppData\Local\Temp\aswUpdSum.ini”
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Operation set to INST_OP_STOP_STAT
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Old version: 547 (1351)
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 registry Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\4.0\UpdateReady
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 system Using temp: C:\Users\0226~1\AppData\Local\Temp_av_proI.tm~a03344 (38982M free)
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general LockInstance failed: 0x2000000A
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 package Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 0
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 file NeedReboot=false
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Return code: 0x2000000A [Another instance of setup is already running. Please wait until it finishes and then try to run it again.]
16.11.2009 21:16:21.000 1258395381 general Stopped: 16.11.2009, 21:16:21
What should I do? Reinstall Avast? Simply tweak something in Avast? Or in Vista?