Ah… For me it is Avast HTTPS scanning that is causing the issue, I made the test when it was bocked and once this feature is turned off I can get back to access Startpage.
I don’t have Zemana anti logger… I can only conclude that the culprit, a so called ‘infection’ is a false positive detected by HTTPS Scanning… since I have 100% confidence that Startpage is secure and I venture to say that it is more secure than Google or Bing in terms of privacy for that matter.
There really is no “Privacy” on the internet no matter which browser, search engine or communications program you use.
One might simply make things a bit harder but, that’s about all you can hope to accomplish.
You are so right and therefore one should have this knowledge always at the back of one’s head.
If you want something known to the end of days, well just publish it on the Interwebs.
Everything is logged, stored, monitored, tracked and the data land on someone’s desk to-night,
hopefully anonymous, but that is only what we can hope for, we got no guarantees for that.
Be it an ad-seller, a marketeer, a harvester, a hacker, cyber-criminal or an automated good or ill bot.
See how many features avast needs now to keep us relatively secure and still we should not venture out into Internet’s dark alleys,
where cyber-crimnal generals want to contact us via Skype and scammers lure around every corner to stab us onto their malcoded forks.
Come to these here forums and learn from the best how to avoid malcode and how to best protect against it
(and how to recover from infections).
Hanging out here I have learned to digest code like the best of connoisseurs and when the odor of malcode fills the air,
it’s stenchy taste hangs on my palate while alerts pop-up in my malcode scan results.
I have to disagree with that… That’s what some people want you to believe in order to have easy access to your data with your explicit consent. As far as search engines goes, DuckDuckGo or Startpage (by Ixquick) do not record your IP adress as well as any personal identification about you. Nada. They don’t need to built a profile based on your searches, they don’t have anything to ‘hand over’ therefore they can make sure our privacy is respected. None of the big players may it be Google, Bing or Yandex (Russia) are doing that.
You can use the internet and retain your privacy but that won’t be the case if you are using services engaged in data mining for targeting purpose like Google or Facebook. Their very business model is based on gathering as much data about you as they can… As for myself, I avoid those as much as possible.
I make a distinction between ‘privacy’ and ‘anonymity’, the bad guys engaged in criminal activity online can, with a search warrant, get tracked and arrested by the authorities. The laws are the laws and I am OK with that. I personally have nothing to hide but I won’t tolerate intrusion in my private life by businesses or that my data be monetized and my browsing habbits be tracked with cookies and be sold to advertisers who in turn want to know everything about me.
What you post on the internet, such as on a forum like Avast is of course not ‘private’. Everybody can read it and it will be stored indefinitly on a server. But I really don’t need Google to scan all my emails, to mine my browsing history and track my habbits. This is ‘private’. Nor do we need the NSA to spy on citizens for no particular reason.
It isn’t the search engines that you should worry about. It’s other entities like hackers, redirects/misdirects,
websites, ISP’s, governments (don’t forget the CIA, GCHQ, Mossad and the Australians are in the process of
breaking The Tor browser.) that are watching you. Someone somewhere is tracking you.
The best you can do is to protect your security.
I am sure there is some snooping and tracking by spy agencies, don’t get me wrong. Edward Snowden opened up the eyes of many people as to just how far this is going on. The bad guys are always there to try to steal data as well… But one step in the right direction is to avoid businesses that disregard privacy rights. Google and Facebook probably have to worst trackrecord on privacy (they both have extensive wikipedia pages of their own relating this subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Facebook and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Google) and one reason for that is their very business model which is based on tracking people and knowing as much as possible about their browsing habbits to generate revenue…
Modern life does not have to result in a dramatic loss of privacy and even if personal data are seen by some entities as being the black oil of the 21st century it’s up to us stop giving them away to that which doesn’t strive to respect privacy. There is various exemple of how services can be made privacy-oriented and how the user can protect himself. There is some very useful extensions like Adblock Edge, NoScript, Ghostery or Disconnect that remove most of the tracking online for you. If you are using Firefox, you can also set the browser to refuse third-party cookies and/or eliminate all of them when exiting the browser. We are under no obligation to use websites like Facebook either.
There are alternatives more privacy-oriented:
Google Chrome → Firefox
Google Search → Startpage or DuckDuckGo
Gmail or Outlook → Tutanota, ProtonMail, Lavaboom or Startmail
Google+ or Facebook → Whaller
Youtube → Vimeo or Dailymotion
Google Doc or Office → Libreoffice
Google Drive → ownCloud or Mega
Google Earth → OpenStreet Map
Chrome OS → Lubuntu or Peppermint OS
You obviously have a problem with Google. Your computer, your choice.
I prefer to enjoy my use of the computer and the internet with the understanding that privacy doesn’t exist.
Going through hoops to become a little more obscure and less traceable just for the sake of normal internet use
isn’t worth the trouble.
Again, to each their own.
Internet companies are compelled to install custom eavesdropping hardware on their networks, there is no way around that legal obligation.
This is true for many countries world wide, here I particularly mean USA, UK, Australia.
So what you gained by working DuckDuckGo in stead of Google is just giving you some"cosmetic gain",
your data still are sort of “owned”.
As Para-Noid and bob3160 explained any existing privacy online to-day is an illusion.
People that think differently may have been sleeping under a stone.
That’s why the most paranoid among us prefer to use services (a search engine in this case) outside of US jurisdiction. Startpage (by Ixquick) is one such exemple, they’ve decided to set up their servers in the Netherland instead. I totally agree that we need a decentralized internet, that would be very helpful against such abuses. (see: http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-mission-to-decentralize-the-internet)
As for DuckDuckGo, while there is indeed some concerns with the fact that it is US-based, it is far from being a certainty if the NSA could practically compel DDG to install custom eavesdropping hardware to ‘‘monitor’’ user’s searches. Gabriel Wagner is no fool and has consulted with several lawyers on the question, the consensus is that it would be unconstitutional to do so and therefore could be challenged if that were to occur, as it would force DDG to lie to it’s customer, put them in trouble with the FTC and hurt their business.
Here’s the response of Gabriel Wagner, CEO of DuckDuckGo:
[i]Hi, this is Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and founder of DuckDuckGo. I do not believe we can be compelled to store or siphon off user data to the NSA or anyone else. All the existing US laws are about turning over existing business records and not about compelling you change your business practices. In our case such an order would further force us to lie to consumers, which would put us in trouble with the FTC and irreparably hurt our business.
We have not received any request like this, and do not expect to. We have spoken with many lawyers particularly skilled and experienced in this part of US and international law. If we were to receive such a request we believe as do these others it would be highly unconstitutional on many independent grounds, and there is plenty of legal precedent there. With CALEA in particular, search engines are exempt.
There are many additional legal and technical inaccuracies in this article and I will not address all of them in this comment. All our front-end servers are hosted on Amazon not Verizon, for example.[/i]
Where do you wanna run to to hide from this.
I am near Rotterdam in the Netherlands while I am writing this posting.
The Amsterdam Internet switch is siphoned 24/7 !
and all ISP have a data retention obligation via EU-regulations.
Re: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32006L0024:NL:HTML
Everything on the Interwebs is logged, monitored and kept
Well, bob3160 is right,
we are getting hopelessly off-topic.
But I wanted to get rid of some very pertaining misconceptions.
There is no misconceptions as far as I am concerned, and your previous point on DDG does not apply here since European laws on the Right To Privacy does not allow for the implementation of a blanket spying program. And Ixquick is peer-reviewed by the Europeran Privacy Seal and is registered under the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).
Ixquick’s philosophy is to simply avoid storing any data about you. They don’t record your IP adress either and they don’t use tracking cookies. There is just no data on their servers…
‘‘US jurisdiction does not apply to us, at least not directly. Any request or demand from ANY government (including the US) to deliver user data, will be thoroughly checked by our lawyers, and we will not comply unless the law which actually applies to us would undeniably require it from us. And even in that hypothetical situation, we refer to our first point; we don’t even have any user data to give. We will never cooperate with voluntary spying programs like PRISM.’’
We are indeed getting off-topic so that will be my last post on this (nonetheless interesting) debate. But it just seems to me like you are trying to justify the awful trackrecord on privacy of businesses like Google and Facebook - among others- by saying that spy agencies are also finding ways to collect our data. While it is a sad reality, it is for us to make sure that we fight for our right to privacy. And that for me, is to start by using services that are in fact privacy-oriented. I mean why on earth should these businesses know everything about my browsing habbits, ? That is not acceptable to me and CAN be avoided.
I am a big fan of startpage they are the only search engine I know that takes privacy seriously and easy to browse, to bypass this issue go into avasts settings, scroll down to Exclusions and click on it, then click the URLs tab, lastly enter http://startpage.com and click add, and do the same for https://startpage.com and click add, lastly click ok.
That should make startpage work again, I did email them and they did say there is no virus assciated with startpage.com or ixquick.com and it is a false positive, whether they where lying or not is another story :D, enjoy.
Based on the OP, I am assuming that js: scriptIP-inf[TRJ] is either a conditional (browser-specific/location/etc.) or there is another 3rd party involved on the target computer to alter the web page.
Are there any similarities that Start Page users share (i.e: specific program installed)? What version of avast! are you using? 32-bit or 64-bit? If you excluded Startpage from avast!, please navigate to the webpage and press Ctrl+U. Then press Ctrl+A and copy the contents to a new paste here: http://0paste.com/