Carefully - false Pentium 4! (Russian Translation)
17/11/2005 20:05
How was reported by Israeli associates, from China is extended the large party of processors Intel Celeron, remarked identical to original Pentium 4 2,8/3,6 GHz. Chinese innovators propose chips in the complete set with the system pays, which contain certain “fix” in BASIC INPUT-OUTPUT SYSTEM, due to what and with the load computer, and “from the point of view” of the programs carried out on it remarked Celeron will recognize as genuine Pentium 4. In general, on the reference, given as an example, together with the proposal about sale does occur the detailed description of “focus”, but to final buyer this “solution” completely they can attempt to give out for the clean coin - in end- ends, otherwise why this all was started? :o
PS. Be sure to look at detailed info here