CAvastTrayIcon window

Come, early february, come faster! ;D
It seems to be chaotic in appearance - one day it’s there and the other it’s not… almoust as though it’s cheating on me visiting those other guys computers)

I have exactly the same problem!
Disappears if you reboot the PC a couple of times.
But this continues throughout January!
…And now February! >:(

As said, you could try the latest beta:

OK, so here we are mid February. WHEN WILL IRRITATING PROBLEM BE RESOLVED…Manas?

Update to the latest version (18.1.2326):

With new version released an icon left me be by myself… I almost miss it)

Thanks to all ppl, who paid attention to this topic and most of all - to Manas.

Thanks for the feedback.

Hi! Thank you for a great antivirus program.

However, the CAvastTrayIcon window is still causing problems – but in a different way. It’s not visible – but it steals focus on startup! This happens even when “Show Avast Tray Icon” is disabled.

This is highly problematic for an HTPC, for example. I run KODI on startup, in fullscreen, and have been annoyed for a long time that about 30 seconds after the startup, the task bar ends up on top of the fullscreen player window. Finally I decided to do something about it. I changed my startup script to start the MPC-HC media player in full screen mode, playing a file directly.
I did this because it has a useful feature – when it loses focus, it tells you what it lost focus to.

Focus lost to avastui.exe - CAvastTrayIcon

Gotcha! :slight_smile:

Your UI code must be unnecessarily calling SetForegroundWindow or something to that effect.

Would most appreciate if you could stop doing that in the next update!

Thank you in advance.