Hi everyone! I know many users in this forum uses CCleaner (including me). For the past couple of weeks there was an updated version of CCleaner so I updated it to the latest version. From there and at present see notification comes up (see attachment) telling me that there is an updated version of CCleaner and when I click on it it says you have a latest version. This keeps happening every time when that notification comes up! Has anymore noticed it? If so, has it been reported. I can’t be bothered to make a new forum for CCleaner because I already have 3 forum accounts. Avast, MBAM, and SAS.
V4.19.4867 and no problem.
There is however a problem if you click “check for updates” at the bottom right of the screen.
It opens your default searchengine with “Empty” as keyword.
Has anymore noticed it? [b]If so, has it been reported. [/b]The natural place to check for that would be to surf CCleaner forum ???
I didn’t click on check for updates! It automatically comes up at the bottom right hand corner as shown in the attachment! Just now I checked that when I click check for updates manually in the CCleaner GUI it gives me as “You have the latest version”. It doesn’t give me the default searchengine with “Empty” as keyword ???
I don’t know what’s happening?
Just now I checked and surf the issue that’s I am facing in the CCleaner forum! I can’t find this bug that I am facing at all? Probably it’s affecting minor users and I think those minor users just ignore that message thinking that they will update it soon/later.
What version do you have installed?
I have the free one btw.
I have the free version as well. Version is v4.19.4867 (latest)
I only get a message if there is a new version when I start CCleaner, not a pop-up like you.
Guess it is different on XP.
My desktop computer (Windows 7-updated with AVG Free 2015-updated) has got CCleaner too? I will check tomorrow if it is the latest version or not and I will let you know by tomorrow. I am writing this post on my laptop.
Yeah i agree it’s strange that pop up notification comes up even if my CCleaner in my laptop is already the latest version? I want this to be reported to CCleaner forum but I can’t be bothered to make an account. I was hoping that someone here had come up with this and reported about this. I even surfed up the CCleaner to see about the minor issue but can’t find anywhere in the forum.
Response from Piriform:
Devs are aware, and working on this
Oh thanks heaps mate! I owe you one big time :). I will check by tomorrow on my desktop to see if CCleaner is the latest version or not and if it’s facing the same issue on my CCleaner installed on my laptop.
On a site note:
Glary Tools is doing a better job with disk cleaning and registry checking.
I won’t be installing registry checking and cleaner. I already did a very big mistake installing IOBit Advanced System Care Free some previous years ago and it spoiled my back then Windows Vista laptop and had to do a system restore. I won’t be doing that same mistake again!
Is Glary disk cleaner 100% function same as CCleaner? If it’s a bit different then I won’t be installing that program. I have known CCleaner for many years now.
I have used CCleaner for many years also.
I’ve tested Glary Tools the last two months and sofar have not found a problem with it.
It does a better job than CCleaner and also has more options.
Ofcourse I create a disk image before I test something but haven’t needed it to undo changes made by Glary Tools.
I don’t want to try new programs and don’t want to create a disk image. I already have a 1TB external hard disk where I put my important stuffs in there as backups copies. No, thanks anyways. I will stick to CCleaner.
Are you testing on Windows XP ???
Unfortunately getting extra merits for cleaning an old OS
doesn’t always mean that’s the case in the newer OS.
I’ve personally never had a problem with Ccleaner while
using Windows 7 or 8+
Why do you post stating you have AVG Free 2015-updated and your signature says
avast free v2015? You should know that running two resident a/v’s is not good.
oh sorry about the typing mistake. I am writing this post on my laptop Windows 7 with avast 2015. I also have a desktop Windows 7 with AVG 2015. Both of them have CCleaner installed