CCleaner - Enable Active Monitoring Anomaly

My CCleaner Free program has now been updated to the latest version 5.45.6611.

Prior to this update, I had removed the tick from the Enable Active Monitoring box - see screenshot below.
This tick was automatically reinstated after the update.

Now every time I remove this tick, it is automatically re-inserted again whenever I reboot my machines.

I DO NOT want CCleaner to actively monitor my computers on Startup but it appears that Avast will not accept this.

As you can see, my WinPatrol program alerted me to this “anomaly”. Please assure me that no subterfuge was intended. ::slight_smile:
I’ve had several phone calls from other users about this, so I’m also speaking on their behalf. I get the impression that they will ditch both CCleaner and Avast unless this intrusive “anomaly” is speedily rectified.

Hopefully, Avast is already aware of this and has the matter in hand as a priority update.


Many topics in the forum relating to the change in policy and functionality (since Piriform were bought out by Avast Software).

So they are aware of it just what they will do about it, is the question.

I stopped updating CCleaner (currently still on CCleaner version 5.42.6499), I have almost come to the point where I no longer use it (I’m trying Privacy-Eraser portable) and it may soon be completely uninstalled.

I also have stopped updating, I have chosen to stay on v.5.43.6522 while I decide whether or not to switch to privacy eraser

This new policy that Avast has been pushing lately with all the 3rd party and adverting stuff is really starting to ruin their products. I have used CCleaner for around 7 years and to see it degrade like this in the hands of Avast is just painful to watch. Because of this downward spiral in quality, I have decided to remove it a few days ago. I just don’t want something like that running in the background against my will.

This sort of thing is maddening. What was a great tool it seems is slowly being ruined by nagging and patronising users with automated additional functionality nobody wants let alone asked for. Many (most?) users want as much control as possible over the software on their computers. By all means set the defaults to be as ‘safe’ as possible but don’t take away genuine choice and don’t have the software nag the user because because they are not using the defaults. It alienates and annoys a significant percentage.

Happy users are the best advertisement for any product but AVAST don’t seem to understand that.

I hope in this case the problem is mistake not deliberate because what is the point of providing a tick box to opt in or out of any option when there is apparently no option?

That would be just stupid. ::slight_smile:

Hi guys, V5.45 has been revoked, see:

Unfortunately for many they have made their decision already and moved on and are unlikely to move back.
Whomever made these decisions should be held responsible, I suspect all of those marketing gurus who are trying to monetise everything. They don’t live in the same world as users, when their decisions make people move on/away it has the reverse effect.

People just don’t put up with this guff and a reversal may not bring those who left back. It may just be too late for some.

I’m with you Dave.

For those saying you moved on from CCleaner… if you think CCleaner is invasive (since Avast took over), what exactly do you think is happening when you are still using Avast AV?

Personally I moved on from the AV when they couldn’t even seem to get the GUI right in the last couple of versions. Started using Windows Defender and was waiting for the next version of Avast, but as I sit here and read these boards and see all the problems, I have to be honest… I don’t think Im coming back. Then I updated to CCleaner 5.45 and was shocked (initially then I remembered Avast took it over) that they were adding rules to my firewall, forcing a start after reboot, constant monitoring and I mean if you want to talk about screwing a good product up in the shortest amount of time possible then they have definitely succeeded, but there is really no one to blame except the people that defended Avast over these many years. Every time they updated this AV and took another step to invade privacy and control your machine without your consent you all defended them. Like a virus it has now spread. Ironically Avast has become the very thing they initially set out to stop. Absolute power corrupts. You should have spoke out then. Now they have ruined at least three products including AVG and probably know more about you then they should

The issue is that AV’s need to collect certain information for them to function correctly, as does Defender :wink: a disk cleaner has no right to collect information or contain links and advertising to install other programs that a cleaner should be removing.

More info per Bleeping Computer …

CCleaner version 5.45.6611 has been withdrawn. A report from Bleeping Computer:

Tut Tut Avast … you have shot yourself in the foot … have a chat with your marketing guys and then maybe just restrict them to making your morning coffee.
Personally, I uninstalled your “rogue” CCleaner update and then reinstalled version 5.44.6575 per the above Bleeping Computer link.

I then removed the tick again and rebooted … all seems OK again.


  1. +1 ;D 8)
  2. Confirmed, no issues with V5.44 here either.

I have no problems with ccleaner, I’m no longer using it even though the version I have is 5.42.6499 and even that is likely to be uninstalled.

When something like this happens, I have to question when marketing makes a decision, is there anyone who actually thinks how will this be received by users, sadly I think not. A good reputation that is built up over years can be destroyed by one stupid marketing/monetising decision.

If the user response/reaction is so great a reversal may not be enough, someone has to have their boot on marketings throat and keep them under control.

I understand that having paid to buyout Piriform that money has to be recovered for the investors, but it is counter productive if they are decimating the user base.

Further to my above posts, I have now decided to bin both Avast Free and CCleaner once I decide on alternatives. I do this reluctantly as I have happily used both for many years.

Firstly, I will have to decide on decent alternatives for my many W10 machines before I make the switch. I won’t be using AVG as it too now belongs to Avast.

For W10 users, Windows Defender is now a credible alternative with decent detection rates and is not prone to False Positives. It is increasingly being used as a viable AV program … and it’s FREE. However, I notice on another thread here that Defender appears to slow-down machines since they began to integrate OneDrive into Windows Defender I’ve researched current reviews of other reputable popular AV programs, and will decide in due course.

Like most folk, I resent being patronised and exploited. This situation is not due to an oversight or innocent mistake.

Avast Response

We value the feedback from our users and are currently working on our next version of CCleaner which will separate out cleaning functionality from analytics reporting, and offer more user control options which will be remembered when CCleaner is closed.

Or to put it another way ……

Avast Response
We seem to have shot ourselves in the foot again. We didn’t anticipate that existing users of CCleaner would object to being monitored online from startup and be unable to stop this happening. Please don’t leave us, be patient until we sort this out in our next version.


O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! - Walter Scott

When “TRUST” is broken and foolishly disregarded as unimportant in “Business”… the consequences can be “Severe”

Interesting… I have used CCleaner for years, but lately have been looking to replace it. Will check out Privacy Eraser. CCleaner lately has been hanging up in Internet Explorer history ( I never use Explorer) and sometimes just locks up. I got rid of the recent version that does not allow the user to opt out of data collection and forces system monitoring. I also got rid of Defraggler, never really understood why Defraggler took so long and then left so much fragmented space, and after checking Speccy’s Avast based privacy policy, uninstalled that too. Hopefully there are alternatives out there.