in the last few Days I wanted to burn some CD-Roms. (Data CD as well as a backup Copy of an Audio CD)
While the CD was burning there were errors on almost every Try. (No writeable CD detected; write Errors … ) When the standard shield was deactivated everything worked well.
I tried Nero 6 as well as the Windows Highmat CD Assistant.
What’s your operating system? What is your sensitivity of the Standard Shield? (does it help if you turn off the scanning of Created/modified files, instead of stopping the whole Standard Shield?)
Is your CD-RW optical unit correctly set to Secondary Master? Burners usually require to be connected as Secondary Master and other read only units as Secondary Slave.
If using Win9x,make sure you have enabled DMA mode for optical units.
Does it happen only when avast! is enabled/installed or you had these problems even without avast! ?
I don’t know the setting of the DVD-Burner, because it is installed by Factory (I have two optical drives) I think this should not play a role for any virus scanner.
Maybe my neighbour has the same problem on another PC. I will check in the next days. He told me yesterday on 10:30pm that he has no possibility to burn a cd. He uses avast home edition, as me too. The Operating System is a fully patched windows XP home (SP2).
With former Versions of avast everything worked well.
I may try the settings as described above. Standard shield uses the setting “standard”)
No problems burning CDs using Nero 6.3 and standard shield running, I certainly didn’t notice any slowdown.
Standard Shield on High, scan Created/Modified files (all). In fact I just burned one off in under a minute whilst doing this. It was only a small folder 3.48MB but the whole process at 40X burn took well under a minute, I thought there was something wrong it was so quick.
Perhaps the DMA option mentioned by RejZoR needs checking?