Is avast! available on a CD, as opposed to an online download?
I think that you can order a Backup copy of CD when purchasing the Pro or AIS versions, but I believe there would be a charge for that. I don’t think that is available on the free version.
May I ask why you can’t or, don’t want to create your own CD from a download ???
See the other topic smitty1475 has, it may answer your question.
Download via dial up is not impossible provided you use a Download Manager.
Granted, it’s time consuming.
Smitty, why don’t you download the program for your friend and burn it to a CD ???
Or as the link David provided put it on a USB stick.
Don’t forget my cautionary note, don’t go poking USBs into unknown systems, which is why I said CD is the preferable choice (it can’t get infected and subsequently infect your system).