Central Management of Avast Mobile security


I registered my company with Avast,
I want to know

  1. the difference between the free mobile security and the paid mobile security prenium.
  2. how can i install Avast mobile security remotely for devices in another city and not compromise the companies username and password as during installation Avast will demand the login so it can appear under the companies portal.


  1. you can see the differences right after installation of AMS on non-premium device :slight_smile:
  2. I guess you could install it remotely via Google Play website, but currently you can’t connect it to avast! Account remotely (must be done via the device).


Ok but if the remote device is installed using same company avast account, it will show on the account? Another worries; using the same company avast account username/password for all staff, can that make the staff access the company avast web portal. My point here is that I don’t want the staff to have access to the company account.


yes, it will show on the same account.

Well, if you won’t tell your staff the password to your avast! Account, they won’t be able to access it. This effectivelly means you personally have to connect all your staff devices to your avast! Account.


Filip, my company is barely 1yr and we do car tracking for some SMEs who ask if we can track their phones/tablets/laptops using our platform. We’re on the verge of putting up something when I stumbled upon your site. Is there a way we can ve our own platform branded but still buys and runs your app on the backend

Please see the email, thanks.

I’ve replied the email but yet to get answers