Certificate not installed correctly at host and implications thereof..

Host with incorrect certificate: mikrohost.pl - The certificate has expired. This server is not secure.
Certificate chainShow details
StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CAIntermediate certificate
wXw.mikrohost.plTested certificate

What was hosted there: https://webcookies.org/cookies/otopanorama.pl/12180544 on Reverse DNS:
-vps11161.mikrohost.pl and -iad23s63-in-f2.1e100.net for Google Safe etc.
Shared Hosting:
5 sites found on

DOM-XSS scan landing at hxtp://www.bjorkstadensaikido.se/gbook15/gbook.php
F-Grade scan results and recommendations: https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze.html?host=mikrohost.pl

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)