Certification of incoming/outgoing mail

I am using avast! Antivirus version 4.6 Home Edition with latest VPS virus database.

My system is an older Dell Dimension Pentium 200MHz, 64 MB RAM, Win98SE, IE5.01SP2, OE5.5, Kerio Personal Firewall and 56K dialup Internet access.

avast! Antivirus appears to be working sufficiently well except for following minor bug.

Within the avast! On-Access Scanner, I have Internet Mail Provider v4.6-652 installed
Sensitivity set to Normal
Customized as follows:
In Resident task settings, on POP tab,
checked Scan inbound mail
checked Insert note into clean message
In Resident task settings, on SMTP tab,
checked Scan outbound mail
checked Insert note into clean message

I have discovered that these two highlighted settings are not retained when the computer is restarted at the beginning of each day. If I start the computer and then reset them during every session, they will continue to work perfectly during that session. As soon as I restart the computer or shut it down for the day and restart it the next, these two settings are always lost.

I have read back through several pages of the forum without any advantage. I’ve read your online and packaged Help with no success.

Running a Control Panel > Add/Remove Program > avast! > Repair also does nothing to remedy this situation. Clearly it’s a bug or I am doing something rather silly to miss keeping these settings permanent.

Can you please point me to a solution or advise what it is that I must do to get these two settings to stick?

Thank you in advance.
Surrey, BC, Canada

Settings that cannot be saved

Configure your settings how you want them, right click on tray icon and select Stop On-Access Protection and Exit, now restart your computer and see if it has saved your settings. Some services could be wrongly ended (killed) and then the settings were not saved. :wink:

Thank you Technical for this reply.

I have tried your suggestion of checking the settings that I require, including those on the Advanced tab of the Internet Mail provider and then “stopped” the On-Access Scanner.

I repeated this exercise, first restarting the computer and then on the second go around, completely shutting it down and after about five minutes performing a cold bootup.

In both cases, the required settings were retained and “stuck” as desired. Nothing was killed.

Interesting enough, in either case above, when the computer started again, the On-Access Scanner of avast! was running even though it had been stopped before rebooting or cold bootup. Is this the default?

Thanks again. This forum rules!

Wow… I’m glad that the solution worked :slight_smile:

I don’t know if XP is different from 98 but when I shutdown On-Access Scanner it asks me if I want to ‘persist’ the changes after booting. If you answer Yes, I thought the provider shouldn’t be enable in the future… ::slight_smile:

You are correct…that’s the way Win98SE also seems to behave as far as the whole of each Provider is concerned.

What I was having difficulty with, was that the settings inside of each provider were not being retained when the computer was rebooted or following a cold bootup. Technical’s suggestion of making the changes, then ‘stopping’ the entire On-Access Scanner before shutting down works well with all settings being retained indefinitely.

Surrey, BC, Canada