change avast trial

I just used avast trial about a month and I am happy to use it. I want to ask how do I update avast without using the trial?
if I am required to buy it, I can not be forced to use it anymore because I do not have much money :slight_smile:

I have checked it before but the problem is that I do not get the option of REGISTRATION INFORMATION when I right click on the orange avast icon in my tray instead I get SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION and when i open the same I do not get to enter the key.

Well it depends on what Trial version you have been using avast free, avast pro or avast Internet Security ?

If you canโ€™t afford the paid options Pro and AIS then you register the avast free version.

I use AIS. I was happy to use AIS than using avast free.
please let me know how to register

Methinks you will have to pay.

Yes, if you want AIS, you have to pay.

The only free avast option is avast! Free.

I am not sure but I think to change from AIS trial to avast Free, you have to un-install AIS and install the free version.

I think that is the case as I donโ€™t believe there is any way to register for the free version in the AIS interface.